Questions tagged as 'laravel-5'


How to do inner join within Auth in laravel 5.3

In the default migration that Laravel brings to use Auth , I made a ForeignKey with another table by calling the ID. For better understanding I put here the tables and with the following columns: Plants (table) ID | Nome (colunas...
asked by 29.09.2016 / 17:36

Model, View and Controller "Multipurpose" - Laravel 5.1

Good morning, I have in my application 10 different tables, but it has the same structure ... id | nome | descricao . For each table I have in laravel the Model , the Controller and the Views of cadastre...
asked by 08.01.2016 / 13:02

How to find the base url of Laravel?

I remember that when I used the Codeigniter framework, I could figure out which was the base url of the application, simply calling base_url() . In Laravelle 3, I used URL::base() . But now, in Laravel 5, when I call URL::base(...
asked by 24.08.2016 / 15:40

Laravel - Creating select with Form :: select + Model :: lists

I'm trying to create a select with the following code: My controller looks like this: public function create(){ $marcas = Marca::lists('descricao', 'id')->toArray(); return view('sistema.modelos.create', ['marcas'=>$marcas]);...
asked by 20.07.2016 / 03:09

Is there any way to run Laravel on the command line in interactive mode?

In PHP, I know you can run it interactively on the command line, which is through the command php -a . Better still be using the library psysh . But when it comes to not just running simple tests, but running an application inte...
asked by 01.03.2016 / 13:26

Why does not creating the model create the migration?

I'm starting on Laravel 5 and then this tutorial >. When creating model php artisan make:model Tarefa It does not create the migration in database/migrations/ as it would be supposed, does anyone know the reason?     
asked by 04.09.2015 / 16:12

Picking up data from the checkbox and sending it to the bank

I'm creating a form and I need to send the selected checkboxes to the bank. I have the table conta , conta_categoria and categoria . In conta_categoria I have id_conta and id_categoria . How would I send...
asked by 11.06.2015 / 22:41

Laravel and React Native Push Notification

I have a web application developed in Laravel, where I register customers, register the orders for each customer where an order code is generated and for each order I register the steps. This application also serves as an API for my application...
asked by 29.11.2018 / 14:38

Missing required parameters for [Route:] [URI: / {} /]

I'm trying to pass an update parameter, but this is giving error. Controller public function update(ColaborationFormRequest $request, $id { $dataForm = $request->all(); $colaboration = $this->colaboration->find($id); $u...
asked by 20.12.2018 / 15:36

How to configure remote database in laravel 5.4

I'm setting up a bank in Laravel 5.4, but the same is hosted on another server, set up in Navicat is accessing normally, but Laravel does not connect. APP_NAME=Laravel APP_ENV=local APP_KEY=......... APP_DEBUG=true APP_LOG_LEVEL=debug APP_URL=...
asked by 03.10.2017 / 16:42