Questions tagged as 'laravel-4'


How and when to create packages in Laravel 4?

I have been researching and thinking about a subject for some days and I still do not understand how to do / use / start: Scenario Package: Books (crud) Package: Authentication module (users + profiles + login + permission) Doubt...
asked by 24.09.2014 / 22:56

Package downgrade in laravel

I'm facing a problem to run composer install because of a package that is incompatible with the version of laravel I use at the moment; The version I have is 4.1 with php 5.6, but when I run the install I get the message;   ...
asked by 21.11.2017 / 14:25

Extender Resource Controllers

I'm doing what I want in a way and I'm looking for alternatives or better ways to do it. I am using Resource Controllers in my application. I'm also using softdelete in many models, so my routes look like this: Route::get('users/deleted', arra...
asked by 21.03.2014 / 14:24

Route error not defined in Laravel 4

I'm having trouble with a link I've created in a view heading to a route . Here is the error: ErrorException Route [/user/addUser] not defined .(View: /var/www/projeto/app/views/principal/index.blade.php) Routes: Route::get('/',...
asked by 27.01.2014 / 05:37

Laravel - Update all fields of a large table

I have the following problem ... I am migrating a system, and in the same I own a table of clients This table has a field called " cli_password ", which represents the client password To use Laravel authentication I had to create a " pa...
asked by 04.09.2014 / 22:16

Friendly URL for GET form in Laravel 4

My question is this: I have a search form (GET), and I would like to know how to execute submit sending those parameters to the URL in a friendly way. Note: parameters are not required. Form : {{ Form::open(array('route' => 'ne...
asked by 16.12.2013 / 18:04

Is there any way to configure Laravel 4 to use namespaces?

In Laravel 5 , I noticed that they have now added namespaces in the application folder. But things were not like that in the Laravel 4 version. No Laravel 5 , for example Controllers would look like this: namespace...
asked by 13.04.2016 / 14:12

What is the "array" option in app / config / session.php?

I know that in Laravel 4 we can configure several ways to save session data. They are the optional storage mechanisms of session. Among them, we can select memcached , database , cookie , apc and file , which by...
asked by 12.08.2015 / 16:15

Why should I use File :: copy, if PHP already exists copy?

I'm using Laravel on various projects I use. I needed to copy a particular file from one location to another, and I saw in the Laravel documentation that I should use File::copy() . Out of curiosity, as I always do, I decide...
asked by 06.07.2015 / 18:34

How to update the pivot in LARAVEL 4 using the UPDATE method?

I have two Models that are linked, through belongsToMany , to a relationship table N: N. So the structure is arranged as follows: classPermissaoextendsEloquent{publicfunctionniveis(){return$this->belongsToMany('Nivel','niveis_perm...
asked by 10.06.2015 / 14:29