Questions tagged as 'kotlin'


How to use RxAndroid?

I'm trying to use RxAndroid but I can not figure it out. In reality, I wanted to be able to use methods within an Observable, to access the FirebaseFirestore and retrieve the data into Realm. So the question is: How do I create observable...
asked by 23.11.2017 / 12:18

How to search from SearchView in the actionbar data from RecycleView using Kotlin?

Follow the code below: class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), SearchView.OnQueryTextListener { var list = ArrayList<Shop>() var adapter = ShopAdapter(this, list) var imageModelArrayList: ArrayList<Shop>? = null...
asked by 15.10.2017 / 14:06

Gradle publish does not send files to the nexus repository (maven 2)

I'm trying to make my project send the JARs files to a nexus repository (maven 2) but I'm not getting it. The project is scheduled in kotlin. This code snippet is closest to what I got from a result: plugins { id 'maven' } allprojects...
asked by 10.12.2018 / 00:05

Add TextView on nav_drawer's side menu

From a standard nav_drawer layout of Android Studio, how do I add information from a textview in the menu that opens on the side? I do not want them to be clickable, only when it opens, information can be found in the side menu. I'm progra...
asked by 26.11.2018 / 00:30

Reading DB SQLite Android Studio (Kotlin)

Next, I have a problem reading a data from the database, using the following method: ButIhavethislittleproblemonline68.WhereareyoutalkingaboutexpectingavalueoftypeTipo()andI'mpassingString,onlywhenIputreferencingmyTipo()classlikethis:  t.typ...
asked by 18.11.2018 / 19:16

DataBinding Kotlin

I have a project that was done in Java, with lifecycle, room and everything, and now I'm migrating to Kotlin. I'm trying to use databinding, but it's giving me this error:    Can not access class 'Loguin.Loguin'. Check your module classpath f...
asked by 07.11.2018 / 13:30

CardView does not appear

I have a TabLayout , and within one of the tabs a Fragment , which has a RecyclerView , and each item is a CardView . I had just tested this part on a separate project and it worked perfectly, but when I went through t...
asked by 15.11.2018 / 02:14

Add navigation-Drawer layout in a project with already created activitys

I created an androod project with whole kotlin but without the navdrawer layout, now I need to put the navdrawer and include the activities I have in it If anyone knows how to fit the activities inside their navdrawer would help me a lot    ...
asked by 24.10.2018 / 21:31

dialog call fragment android studio

Good night, I'm having problems in calling a dialog fragment in android, with an activity that is encoded in Kotlin, calling a Java-encoded fragment dialog, the NPE error is happening in the line "datePicker = getActivity (). getLayoutInflater (...
asked by 15.10.2018 / 04:17

How to override the OnItemSelected method of a Spinner?

I'm trying to overwrite the OnItemSelected method of a Spinner in my Fragment , just as I did with the Button , but it is not working ... How would I achieve the same result? Inside the OnCreate, the commented block works perfectly, bu...
asked by 09.10.2018 / 03:12