Questions tagged as 'json'


How to delete MySQL database news?

In this link teaches you to list comments (in my case news) using external database (project download). How can I delete a news item when selecting, and still have a Dialog appear asking if I want to delete the news from the external databa...
asked by 11.03.2014 / 19:40

Get parameter passed by POST with $ .ajax [duplicate]

I'm having trouble getting the id passed by the date of the ajax (jquery), what happens is that using $_POST['id'] or filter_input(INPUT_POST,'id') is empty follow ajax: $.ajax({ type:"POST", url: "cursos/area/",...
asked by 26.12.2018 / 12:52

Consumption WS Rest returns null

I'm consuming a WS to get vehicle data, the API that was passed to me returns a JSON: { "success": true, "message": "", "result": [ { "Codigo": "1013", "Placa": "ABC1234", "Ano": 2016, "Uf": "SP", "Marc...
asked by 29.12.2018 / 16:44

Retrieve model list passed by ajax through FormData

I am sending an image, along with a model in which it contains a list of integers. But I can not recover when I enter the Action. I can retrieve the image, field1 and field2, the field fieldList is left blank. HTML <input type="file...
asked by 28.11.2018 / 20:40

Querying data in PHP using the $ .get json method and listing data in an html

I can do the data insertion but I have no idea how to do data selection on a HTML using $.get JSON . php code public function Inserir($tabela,$sql){ ksort($sql); $Campos_nome= implode('', '', arr...
asked by 28.05.2014 / 11:25

Json with problem, does not continue execution after request

Contortor code public JsonResult InsertComment(string description, int postID) { try { Comment comment = new Comment { Content = description, DataCommented = DateTime.Now, PostID = po...
asked by 16.06.2014 / 21:24

Client REST process response in JSON without knowing domain objects

I'm doing a RESTFull server with Spring MVC, the controller only returns JSON, until then blz, would my client know nothing of the domain classes and still process the requests? I was thinking of turning JSON into an object as if it were a da...
asked by 31.01.2014 / 01:25

Repeat loops with AngularJS

I'm trying to list the data of two loops ng-repeat of my code, but 1 of them is not working. In this case, I'm using: <ul class="nav nav-stacked nav-pills col-md-2" > <li ng-repeat="g in formulario.grupos"> <a...
asked by 07.02.2014 / 18:19

I can not send the .json file

I'm trying to send a .json file created within Angular to a server, and gives this error in response:    "A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at 1 [character 2 line 1]", object_or_array: "object", error_info: "This error came from th...
asked by 19.12.2018 / 00:59

Values with different types Gson - Java

I'd like to know if there is a way with Gson to get values of different types in a "key-value" array in Json. Here's the example: { "events":[ {"event":"comprou-produto", "timestamp":"2016-09-22T13:57:32.2311892-03:00"...
asked by 06.10.2018 / 19:44