Questions tagged as 'json'


How to save an object (JSON) per copy in Javascript

How to store the current state of a json object per copy? Because if I save by reference I lose the exact information of the object at that moment of the assignment. Example object: var sessao = {"num":"1"}; var vetorSessoes = []; function s...
asked by 17.02.2018 / 02:05

web request and json in c #

I'm working with firebase, and am fetching the data from the server with HttpWebRequest, I was able to recover this data as follows;    {"- L1OD7LjENM8ZHSpS7NE": {"Age": "18   years "," Name ":" vitor "," Telephone ":" 11   970705570 "}," - L...
asked by 28.12.2017 / 16:58

Add subdocuments to document - mongoose

Good evening! I have the following document: { "_id" : ObjectId("5b21a4332a5e3333cc64a12f"), "nome" : "João", "sobrenome" : "Barbosa", "cpf" : "12345678910", "senha" : "Fabet@1010", "viagem" : [ {...
asked by 14.06.2018 / 01:41

How to read and sort this json PHP?

{ "groups": { "superadmin": true, "admin": true, "user": true, "Hitman": true }, "customization": { "1": [0, 0, 2], "2": [0, 0, 0], "3": [17, 0, 2], "4": [98, 1, 2], "5": [51, 0, 2], "6": [51, 0, 2], "7...
asked by 03.04.2018 / 19:04

Print JavaScript Object

I have this return in JS, and would like to print the messages like this: Email é Obrigatório! Limite de Testes é obrigatória! ... and so on. The problem is that in the middle of the return in another array and I could not handle it, so in...
asked by 25.04.2018 / 13:34

Fill in a form with Json data in jquery

Good evening. I have a url that gets this structure in json: { "kind": "books#volumes", "totalItems": 1, "items": [ { "kind": "books#volume", "id": "AKs0vgAACAAJ", "etag": "4X6Xl91J0mQ", "selfLink": "https://www...
asked by 03.11.2017 / 02:57

Problem with accents in vue-json-excel

I'm using vue-json-excel to export an Excel spreadsheet (I have the table on my screen and use it to export the same data to excel). So far, everything works perfectly, however, I had problems with accentuations. Example, não , a...
asked by 27.09.2017 / 20:59

Get a word from a variable that has more than one word, with jQuery

I have a JSON file with employee data such as full name, birth date, marital status, position, salary. I need to show through a filter according to the name or surname, regardless of uppercase or lowercase: Example: [ {"nome_com":"Juan...
asked by 04.03.2018 / 01:07

Return API Laravel json

I have a following problem, I made a API and it returns me a array : "id": 1, "email": "[email protected]", "senha": "lucas123", "created_at": "2018-02-15 16:48:12", "updated_at": "2018-02-15 16:48:12"' I would like to only retur...
asked by 06.03.2018 / 14:57

Compressing and organizing Json

I've been studying Json recently to use my projects to replace databases in some cases, in my tests I found a doubt. depending on the project I can end up repeating some values in certain items several times during the code for example [...
asked by 14.11.2017 / 14:24