I'm trying for the first time to consume a Web Service in my Android application, sending data in JSON format.
To accomplish the task I have a class to make the connection.
public class ConexaoHttpJson {
public static JSONObject enviarSoli...
What am I doing wrong?
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script><script>$(document).ready(function(){$('#btn1').click(function(){vartmp={"Proc":32...
I have read about this method json and I just do not understand and do not know what to fix, I'm using another domain to get json.
Here is my code:
var url = "http://website.com/json.php";
$.getJSON(url, function(res...
I'm working on a project with FullCalendar, and I'm not able to correctly display the events at their respective times. Food the calendar with a Json (system in PHP):
"title":"Varredura no sistema - Verificar falh...
I'm running some Datasnap tests with REST and json.
In the ServerMethods unit, which Delphi itself creates, has the function ReverseString , but well, how do I know who sent it?
I would like to keep a log of information from...
Let's get into the problem.
In datatable.js, to display the columns I define as follows:
"aoColumns": [
{ "mDataProp": "IdProcesso", "sTitle": "Numero" }
If you need to perform some function:...
I have a Restfull API on the local Apache server that returns a list of users from the database (localhost / api / users).
I'm using JSONLint to validate my JSON. When I access via browser I get the result and it is valid in JSONLint, w...
I have a JSON that returns me a list with some flight data:
"programa": "multiplus",
"qtdOpcoesIda": 50,
"qtdOpcoesVolta": 50,
"menorTarifa": {
"pontos": 15000,
"dinheiro": 767.8
"taxaEmbarque": {
"POA": 29.9,