Questions tagged as 'json'


Doubt angularjs with array

How do I get only the id and key ? { "type": "champion", "version": "6.3.1", "data": { "1": { "id": 1, "key": "Annie", "name": "Annie", "title": "a Criança Sombria", "info": { "attac...
asked by 16.02.2016 / 18:38

Access to json is returning error

I have the following json: x = { "body-json": { "id": "1" } } I'm trying to access the id this way: console.log(; It turns out that I can not access the reference body-json . Can anyone help me?   ...
asked by 01.07.2016 / 19:54

ViaCEP does not populate user address data (Website on .NET platform)

I'm developing a web application on the .NET platform and thought of having the user type the zip of their address and automatically populate the textboxes with street, neighborhood, city, and state data. But in my code it does not work, I do no...
asked by 17.05.2016 / 01:46

Dynamic Link? And how to implement? [closed]

I do not know the name of this technique, I am a student, but sometimes I see in the lower left corner of the chrome the complete type link ... link Then suddenly it changes to: link I'm new to the web and forgive my ignorance if...
asked by 08.05.2015 / 06:14

Youtube API V3 Information

Youtube has disabled API V2 and the new API (V3) is much more complicated to get information about videos. How can I get the following information from a video in the v3 API: Video title. Duration of the video (in seconds). How can I...
asked by 10.05.2015 / 21:44

Print json data received in jquery post

I am with the following doubt, I am doing a freight calculation system the system is getting a json answer in the following pattern. {"cServico": [{"Codigo":"40010","Valor":"36,90","PrazoEntrega":"3","ValorSemAdicionais":"36,90","ValorMaoP...
asked by 09.07.2015 / 14:20

JSON or SQLite?

I'm developing a simple app in PhoneGap and I'm going to need to basically have 2 tables. One to store the names of the series and another to store the exercises of each specific series. But I'm not sure how JSON and SQLite...
asked by 07.06.2014 / 04:15

How to read this JSON correctly? MSSQL and Node

{ "recordsets": [ [ { "IdUsuario": 5152490, "strNome": "Roberto ", "IdPapel": 1 }, { "IdUsuario": 5152490, "strNome": "Roberto ", "IdPapel": 3000001 } ] ] I'm...
asked by 30.11.2018 / 18:03

How to create a property in an existing object of an http request?

I'm trying to exhaustively put a property on an object that comes from a request (JSON), but I'm not getting it, it's like it just does not get it, but when I do a console.log, there it is, but it's not returning in the reply I send to the postm...
asked by 16.05.2018 / 00:22

How to improve this code

Some days ago I asked for help here in the OS to parse JSON in Java and I got what I wanted, however, I had to do a "gambiarra" for not knowing a better way. It's working, but I'm sure the code can be improved. My JSON is as follows: "we...
asked by 12.12.2017 / 03:05