Questions tagged as 'json'


Failed to connect to IBM Language Translation through PHP cURL

I have a problem that I can not resolve. Basically I need to translate a string into English for English . This is the code I was able to develop: <?php class CtrlTranslate{ public function translate($text) { $url...
asked by 09.09.2016 / 17:59

Retrofit 2 Android objects

I can not get the values at all. The value received by JSON are these: { "status": true, "valores": { "galo": { "nome": "galinho", "valor": 300, "ultima_consulta": 1386349203,...
asked by 02.08.2016 / 20:13

Get specific field in JSON and store in a variable on Controller

I have the following code, and I would like the categories that are in the json array to come from an external JSON file, but I just could not get the names of the categories and do this example: (function () { var app = angular.modul...
asked by 27.07.2016 / 16:04

"JSON not defined" error

Hello, I have a facebook API that takes the posts from my page and shows in a patcher that I did, it was working correctly, but a few weeks ago this error began to appear and the posts no longer appear. Error: HereisthecodeI'musing.<html&...
asked by 28.07.2016 / 01:02

Foreach returns no value

I have a API that returns me some results, but with your help I managed to make the code work but after a few days the code stopped. I have this code: <?php $email = $_GET['email']; $nome = $_GET['nome']; //Não mexer...
asked by 23.08.2016 / 14:40

I can not manipulate data that comes from the Web Service (Json)

I'm trying to get the result of a request to an API (json), and send it to another function that will write to the localstorage, I even got the value of the product, but with the name that is string no is working, I have tried to trim (), substr...
asked by 10.08.2016 / 15:37

Generate PDF by Ajax

What I am trying to do is that the user clicking the generate button of a form, generate a .pdf per Ajax request, that is, I have three pages, where Index.php is the form, controller.php is the ajax script where to send th...
asked by 18.07.2016 / 22:14

convert json data to string or array in php

I have this json and would like to know how to convert it to an arrag / string {'texto_mensagem': {'texto': 'Mensagem de envio'}, 'numero_celular': [{'numero': '5537988440956'}, {'numero': '5537988530808'}, {'numero': '5537988555533'}]} My...
asked by 13.07.2016 / 20:43

how to compare hours and tell whether the establishment is closed or open and return a Json message

Someone help me ... Thanks. It's the following I have an Api with Php + Sql and it returns the data to me in Json. In my data has two fields openRestaurant and closeRestaurant, this data are registered in the bank in the format of hours, opening...
asked by 09.07.2016 / 07:47

Auto Click mouse on a content within a div?

I would like to know if it is possible to do a div with auto click. This is how the page loads and when someone clicks anywhere on the page the mouse clicks on the content inside the div. In case I put an iframe from an external page. but...
asked by 29.05.2015 / 22:04