Questions tagged as 'json'


Pass array object to API and save to Bank

I'm using Ionic 3 and want to save the data of an object in the database. In the API is executing the query and saving null in the database, I imagine that the form I am sending the object is wrong. Here is my code: finaliza(obj){...
asked by 26.09.2017 / 13:52

Error Unexpected end of JSON input

I'm working with Ionic 3, getting data through a Restfull API, using PHP and MySQLi, but returns this error:    Unexpected end of JSON input. I believe the error is in the API. Here is my code: In the API - app-produtos.php &l...
asked by 20.09.2017 / 23:35

How to configure Ajax to submit date with 2 variables

I'm developing an app for users to vote products. Technologies used JQuery plugin rateit, ajax and PHP. However I am having a problem with JSON, the configuration for 2 variables is giving the following error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <...
asked by 15.09.2017 / 01:42

How to save Json to host location via Ajax?

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <script src=""></script><title>teste</title><bodystyle="background-color: white"> <form> Primeiro Nome: <...
asked by 13.09.2017 / 05:39

Get values typed into inputs inside datatable

I have a datatable and in each line I have 3 inputs (text, datepicker and select) and a button, which will send PHP, to record what was typed or selected in the inputs of that row. What I'm trying to do is grab the information from the lin...
asked by 12.09.2017 / 15:43

Problems sending JSON by POST when compiled

I have an application whose one of the modules is responsible for sending a JSON to an online API that synchronizes the data with a back-end system. When this module is executed or debugged in an IDE, it performs this task successfully, however,...
asked by 05.09.2017 / 14:30

Android - org.json.JSONException No Value for

During execution of the application I received a JSONException error No Value for { "time": "05:07:18 AM", "milliseconds_since_epoch": 1504588038515, "date": "09-05-2017" } I know there are many bugs reported, but everyone I read did not ge...
asked by 05.09.2017 / 07:35

Avoid repeated names in json

I'm looking for a form / function / method so that it is not possible to repeat the value saved in Json, for example: I'm saving the json below and I do not want it to save the same name in json. [ [ { "id": "59a5c80dc7596929783...
asked by 30.08.2017 / 15:56

Create a modal in instance, and after destroying it

I have in my system many parts where the user double clicks on a certain line, and loads the corresponding action inside a Bootstrap modal. In the current method I use, there are three modal elements indicating: #primary-layer-modal #secon...
asked by 28.08.2017 / 14:30

Information stored and displayed wrong

Hello, I have the following code: var marcas = { nome: '', fipeId: '' }; var marcasVet = []; var select; $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: '', succes...
asked by 10.09.2017 / 02:35