Questions tagged as 'json'


JSON string conversion for Java object

I'm trying to convert a JSON string to a Java object used by Gson. This is the json I get from webservice: {"concurso": { "numero":1499, "data_sorteio":"01\/06\/2013", "dezenas":[8,22,26,33,37,54] } } Here...
asked by 17.02.2014 / 01:05

Can you prevent one of the attributes of an object from being serialized in Javascript?

Is there any way to prevent one of the attributes of an object from being serialized? Take the following example as an example. If I do not want propriedade2 to be serialized, how could I implement this? var obj = { propriedad...
asked by 29.09.2017 / 21:31

How to link models (with association), forms and grids in ExtJS 4?

I'm using ExtJS 4.2 in a project and I'm having problems involving model associations and how to link them to forms and grids. I'll illustrate with an example. I have 3 classes and 1 json, as below: User Ext.define('Usuario', { ext...
asked by 17.12.2013 / 18:41

What is the difference between braces "{}" and brackets "[]"?

The JSON file format uses two types of symbols to organize the data in its structure, they are: Brackets: [ ] Keys: { } In them you can enter values of several types, see this example example: { "Nome": "Ana", "E...
asked by 28.12.2016 / 15:30

Is there any API that lists states and cities?

I've been looking for some json API that lists the states of a certain country, or cities of a certain state, I've looked for this functionality through various Google Maps APIs but I did not find anything that was exactly for that. I do not w...
asked by 25.07.2015 / 17:18

What is the purpose of the JSON type column in MYSQL?

I noticed that Mysql has released a new feature, which is the column can be type JSON (which can even be saved in binary, according to what I was reading). Documentation :    As of MySQL 5.7.8, MySQL supports a JSON data type that...
asked by 16.09.2016 / 21:30

Receive external JSON data by PHP

I'm trying to get an external JSON file via PHP. I'm doing it this way: <?php $json_file = file_get_contents( ""); $json_str = json_decode($json_file, t...
asked by 05.02.2014 / 18:52

How to use the jsondiffpatch library?

I'm having second thoughts about manipulating the data with the jsondiffpatch library The original array : [ {"id":1004,"idproduto":3,"forma":"Alface","preco":1,"quantidade":1}, {"id":1000,"idproduto":3,"forma":"Bacon","preco":2,"qu...
asked by 05.03.2015 / 18:02

Mount tree - JSTREE

I was reading about JSTree and saw that it understands a Json that can be placed in the tree without recursion, ie, it needs the default id,parent,text according to documentation . I created a self referenced table called...
asked by 10.12.2014 / 01:34

What libraries to develop a RESTFul API in JAVA?

I am a beginner in java and would like to create a RESTFUL API but I do not know which library to use or how to use it. Can anyone point me to good tutorials or some libraries to study. I would like to use JSON.     
asked by 13.12.2013 / 12:34