Questions tagged as 'json'


How do I get json answer in php? [duplicate]

I have the link:{"login":"[email protected]","senha":"Minhasenha","campanha":"ID 1234","mensagens":{"1":{"numero":2799999999,"msg":"Uma mensagem qualquer","data":"2015-10-19 01:07:52"}}} By pasting this...
asked by 18.05.2016 / 15:16

How to format Json code in HTML?

Good afternoon guys. I need help. I am using the API: JSON API from Wordpress and it frees the .content that returns the HTML code of the post. How to get this json that contains HTML code and returns it as HTML code? Ex json content content:...
asked by 21.11.2016 / 19:23

Combobox is loading wrong array information

I made a C # (WinForms) application to load the marks according to the type of vehicle that is selected (car, motorcycle or truck) in a combobox. I put the following code at a button: private void btnCheck_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)...
asked by 13.04.2016 / 16:47

How to perform a simple state and city search with jquery and json

This is my% test% and I need to search for their respective data using the ce and stronghold keys . In this case, the search is done by json that was submitted to AJAX through a form with two select: { "ce": { "fortalez...
asked by 12.01.2016 / 00:26

Error ajax return when accent

I have a table that when I add some text that contains an accent adds all the other texts of that same condition. already tried several ways to use UTF-8 that I found on the net but none worked and I noticed in console.log () the following error...
asked by 18.12.2015 / 22:25

Error inserting jSON in MySQL with PHP [closed]

I have a code PHP that causes an array to become jSON <?php $imagens = array('imagem1.jpg', 'imagem2.jpg', 'imagem3.jpg'); $json = json_encode($imagens); $inserir = mysql_query("INSERT INTO table VALUES ('$nome', '$descricao...
asked by 17.12.2015 / 14:28

JSON manipulation

I have the following code: $Json = array(); foreach ($Dados as $ln){ $Json[label] = $ln['NOME']; $Json[value] = $ln['EMAIL']; } echo json_encode($Json); With this I have the following return: {"label":"xxxxxxxxx","va...
asked by 07.03.2016 / 19:45

Upload JSON via AngularJS

Well, I'm trying to load a json object to display its information on the screen. The code I'm using is as follows: (function() { var app = angular.module('tela', []); app.controller('TelaController', ['$http', function($http){ var use...
asked by 16.10.2015 / 20:02

SQL Server and JSON to generate Highmaps: very long and difficult to handle query

I set up the query below to have a JSON output assigned to Highmaps (from Highcharts), but it is very laborious and I would like to modify it if it is possible to make it smaller and easier to change it: select count(case when maior_uf...
asked by 18.01.2016 / 01:38

How do I get a JSON and store it in a list?

I would like to receive a JSON containing multiple messages and store it in a list that contains JSON content per position The format of JSON would be this: [{"id":"42","data":"02\/12\/2015 12:01:21","texto":"blablabla","nome":null}, {"id"...
asked by 04.02.2016 / 14:28