Questions tagged as 'jsf'


Login by hyperlink with username and password in email with JSF and Spring Secutity

I have a system in JSF (with primefaces) with spring security. When the user registers, he receives an email with a username and password. Ok - It works. However, I would like to send in the body of the email a hyperlink where the user cou...
asked by 24.03.2017 / 15:00

Leave selected menu

I have a side menu and every time I click on an item to open a page, I would like it to be selected with a color. Menu.xhtml <ui:composition xmlns="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:h="http:...
asked by 20.05.2016 / 20:52

Add field when clicking button

I am developing a customer registration project, in a form using PrimeFaces I would like to click on a button and with this make an inputText appear, if I click again, another appears and so on. Is this possible with jsf and primefaces? The i...
asked by 21.09.2015 / 21:41

Converter and Validator with CDI injection

Can anyone inject CDI or EJB in Converter or Validator in JSF 2.2? It was said that from 2.2 it would be possible but I'm not getting it. I've tried @EJB UserService userService and also @Inject UserService userService and both di...
asked by 30.06.2015 / 15:53

Primefaces, button requires two clicks to perform action

When I execute the code below, I have to double-click the button so that the delete action happens, I saw many with similar problems, but no effective solution: <h:form id="TablePais" prependId="false" > <p:dataTable id="tbPa...
asked by 01.04.2014 / 02:32

How to create a project with JSF, Primefaces and Tomcat that runs in Eclipse and Netbeans at the same time?

How can I create a Maven project with JSF, Primefaces and Apache Tomcat so it runs in both Eclipse and Netbeans without any problems? (Preferably with the latest versions of the technologies)?     
asked by 02.05.2014 / 03:19

Primefaces DataTable Lazy - Table does not display records

I'm creating a lazy datatable, but although the load of the class is loading the records correctly, the table remains empty. XHTML: <p:dataTable value="#{chamadoMB.chamados}" var="c" paginatorTemplate="{RowsPerPageDropdown} {FirstPa...
asked by 13.12.2013 / 14:10

How to insert records when starting the JSF + JPA system?

How do I insert pre-registered records into the system with jsf and jpa. I want it when the system starts the admin user is created.     
asked by 11.10.2016 / 19:41

Prevent browser autocomplete [duplicate]

Is there a way to prevent, through code, the browser from making suggestions for filling in the login form? Is that the system will be used in laboratories and would be annoying the browser to suggest all previously registered CPF. In addit...
asked by 22.02.2018 / 19:40

How to override CSS from PrimeFaces added via Maven?

I'm using MegaMenu in my project, but its options are much larger than the width of the columns of this component, so the menu options go beyond the area intended for them, which looks really ugly. I added primefaces via Maven. How do I chang...
asked by 11.02.2016 / 23:58