Questions tagged as 'jquery-datatables'


Load DataTable with Jquery and MVC 5

Good day !, I have read some articles on, for example: - Exemples index Loading tables with json using DataTables Using jquery DataTables with MVC 5 but I can not load the data in the vi...
asked by 13.09.2015 / 17:28

Where in datatables with codeigniter

I have a code that draws a table according to the data in the database. EX: if she has a registered client she will make the table with only one row, if it has no one registered, no table will appear. In that code too, I have a filter (tabletool...
asked by 18.08.2015 / 14:36

How do I set value for Jquery Datatables filter?

I have my input and button <input id="gridSearch" type="text" /> <button id="filter" class="btn btn-default">Buscar</button> and my table $.fn.dataTable.ext.legacy.ajax = true; var grid = $("#gridCustomer").DataTable({...
asked by 09.09.2014 / 03:05

Overwrite table data with DataTables

Every time I make a change in the select, it calls this function, it picks the id of the selected tax and searches for the (daughters) tax rules, I need to update the table every time it changes. DataTables warning: table id = imposed rules - Ca...
asked by 24.12.2018 / 13:53

Get XHR and set values dynamically with jQuery Datatables?

I'm using the Jquery plugin DataTable and it works, with AJAX, basically as follows: You receive a JSON of your request and must contain these two data: ("recordsTotal", "recordsFiltered") and also all the data that will be displayed in th...
asked by 29.05.2014 / 14:04

Why are you returning this error?

I'm using the jQuery Datatable plugin and started server-side activation but when loading it it informs an alert:    DataTables warning: table id = example - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see link...
asked by 29.06.2017 / 22:49

What causes the invalid JSON error? [closed]

I have already done what was said in this post: json_encode - Invalid JSON and has not yet been resolved, so I'm asking. I'm using the jquery datatables server side. I did the server side activation with the default repository in the datata...
asked by 03.07.2017 / 17:00

Datatablet JS Export with Multilinhas

Opa, In a same cell in the datatable there may be several rows, and the buttons function to export from the datatable does not recognize the <Br> tag, I am trying to use columns and render this way, just for...
asked by 20.01.2017 / 13:01

How to sort the DataTables by ignoring accents?

I am experimenting with DataTables and when ordering the table that has strings starting with accents, they appear at the end of the table. How to sort the table in Brazilian Portuguese format? Asyoucansee,thewordsstartingwithanaccentappearat...
asked by 23.04.2015 / 02:49

Format date dd / mm / yyyy in a jquery

How do I format this date 2016-10-23T20: 30: 01.017 in a in the Brazilian dd / mm / yyyy format? Controller: This relevant snippet of code is where I populate the object that is in the format ok: dd / mm / yyyy hh: mm: ss...
asked by 24.10.2016 / 17:48