Questions tagged as 'jquery-animate'


Calculate the size of the div

I'm working on a simple "divs slider" script! Just have a problem, when you start to move left and right it cuts a piece of the divs, I need to move it exactly in a way that it does not cut the divs or appear more than the 2 divs. Follow scri...
asked by 09.11.2014 / 01:04

Scroll bottom in click event

I need the page to go down to the footer when it is clicked on a input . In fact when the user clicks on input and starts typing, the jQuery autocomplete is hidden by the cellphone keypad, so when clicked on input and the...
asked by 17.01.2017 / 14:12

Javascript toggle or if / else on Adobe Edge Animate

I use Adobe Edge Animate for simple animations at work. I could not make one of them work and I played a trick. Now I want to know how to do it right. I have a button. When clicked, it should give play on the timeline from start to finish. If...
asked by 06.10.2015 / 00:57

image animation

My goal is this animation here: link The lands with the mouse ... What have I done so far? css #box, body { overflow: hidden; } #box { position: relative; } #img{ position:absolute; } Js $(document...
asked by 02.05.2016 / 13:52

How to use animate and fadeOut in Javascript

I'm making a website. The client wants only one page with all the pages in it, so I thought about using sections. I wanted every section change, for example from 'start' to 'agency' to fade the screen with a fade and change in that interval, at...
asked by 11.05.2016 / 05:03

How to trigger this progress bar?

I started to study JavaScript and jQuery, and looking for how to make a vertical progress bar I found the function below: It worked perfectly as I wanted, but I'd like to know how I can get the bars to run (start loading) only when I scroll a...
asked by 21.06.2018 / 08:00

Jquery animation in toggle style

When you click a button a div appears with the effect rising to the top, with Jquery. I need to click it again to disappear with the opposite animation - descending. Since I understand little of JS, I could only do it with two different b...
asked by 05.04.2018 / 19:55

Using Animate.css with hover

DESCRIPTION: I'm trying to use Animate.css in my project, but I'm kind of lost, I do not understand anything by jQuerry. PROBLEM: GitHub does not work, I know that something is missing but I do not know how to proceed. I hav...
asked by 01.12.2014 / 21:59

Repeat JQuery .animate () after clicking the button

I have the following code: $(document).ready(function(){ $('#cadastre-se').click(function(){ $('.icon-cracha').stop(true, true).delay(500).animate({top: "+0"},1000); }); }); .icon-cracha{ width:100px; height: 100...
asked by 16.12.2015 / 18:16

how to add a semicolon in Animated number that activates with scrolling in javascript

I am a layperson in javascript . My boss dreams of putting such a "timer" on the site (animated numbers that trigger a machine-like movement by counting the numbers, which activate when you reach the window through the scroll). But I can...
asked by 24.09.2018 / 18:15