Questions tagged as 'jndi'


Problem retrieving DataSource in Wildfly: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException

I'm trying to establish a connection using DataSource, and it's returning the following error: Feb 08, 2016 8:15:03 PM org.xnio.Xnio <clinit> INFO: XNIO version 3.2.2.Final Feb 08, 2016 8:15:03 PM org.xnio.nio.NioXnio <clinit> INFO...
asked by 08.02.2016 / 23:21

Demoiselle 2.4.0: Error executing test with JUnit

I have a project built from the Demoiselle archetype for Maven . The generated application is the one that exemplifies the Demoiselle, containing a register of bookmarks . The developer who generated zero revision of the application is no...
asked by 18.12.2014 / 14:41

Dependency injection with bean in tomcat

I was trying a resource injection but I'm not following. I'm studying for the Web Components exam, so I was practicing some code. I'm following an example given by the Tomcat 7 documentation, link , but I have not yet achieved success in my...
asked by 27.10.2016 / 19:37

Doubt RMI and JNDI [closed]

Speak galley blza!, I have now started to study RMI (Remote Method Invocation) with Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). Briefly, from what I've learned so far is that RMI technology is responsible for allowing the invocation of rem...
asked by 28.10.2015 / 02:21

Error: "Can not create JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL 'null' java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver"

Hello, I'm trying to set up the connection to the database in my JPA application using JNDI. I'm following this tutorial ( link ), but even so when I try to make any query the system gives error saying it did not find the driver of the bank. I'm...
asked by 28.08.2016 / 23:59

JNDI connection works on tomcat but does not work on WebSphere

Good morning, I connect to my database via JNDI connection. To this day I ran my application on my local machine on a Tomcat application server: Context.xml <Resource url="jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=meuDB"...
asked by 23.10.2018 / 14:05