Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Validate field with ajax and php

I have a simple form, to validate if a name and email exist. function valida_nome(){ var filter_nome = /^([a-zA-Zà-úÀ-Ú0-9]|\s)+$/ ; if(!filter_nome.test(document.getElementById("input_nome_cad").value)){ document.getElementById("i...
asked by 06.06.2016 / 23:52

Sub buttons in the angular dataTables

I'm using the DataTable plugin ( link ). You need to make the export buttons to be subitems, where there will be an export icon and clicking this will list (below) the options (CSV, PRINT, XLS). The code I'm using is below but the subitems do...
asked by 07.06.2016 / 21:53

Placing a dynamic YouTube video in an iframe (

Good evening! I'm trying to put a youtube video based on a url stored in a sql database, the problem is that the way I found it to put, works only with some static url, in the following way: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www...
asked by 18.05.2016 / 02:41

jquery dynamic validate

<div class="pages alert alert-success"> <div class="questoes"> <label><input type="radio" name="rd1"> 1</label> <label><input type="radio" name="rd1"> 2</label> <label...
asked by 19.05.2016 / 01:51

Send data by Angular

Hello In the form of html I do the following: <div class="container jumbotron" ng-controller="crudCtrl"> <form role="form"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="nome">Nome:</label>...
asked by 19.05.2016 / 19:46

Add class with a span when there is @ / #

On Twitter or Facebook, when we type a hashtag the background of the text will turn blue, as in the image below I'mtryingtodothisinjsusing.keyup()inadiv[contenteditable=true],I'mdoingwithPHPpassingthetextbyjQueryandreturningthetextifthereis@...
asked by 11.07.2016 / 13:32

Retrieving data with Twitch with JS [closed]

Could someone explain to me how I got data from this API: " link . For example, I would like to get this user: " link " your name, avatar etc. I searched the internet for some explanation but found none that explained what I wanted.     
asked by 19.05.2016 / 02:44

Anchor link with js and bootstrap, how to close the menu after clicking?

I'm making a website using boostrap, it's a unique page. When I access the cell and click on some link in the menu of the page it does the scrolling effect to where the anchor is, but the menu remains open, how can I do to when clicking on the m...
asked by 11.07.2016 / 04:20

Show form in page load

I have a text box that, depending on the number, has a set of form inputs as shown in the following screenshots: TheproblemisthatwhenIenterthepageIhavethe1valueinthetextboxbuttheformdoesnotappeartome,Ihavetogothereandchangethenumbertothatappea...
asked by 23.03.2016 / 19:02

Product Search / Price / City (JavaScript / jQuery)

Does anyone know the best language to do this search, I want to click the value and get the value of the product, the city, and the price and put it in the panel just below? table{ border-collapse: collapse !important; } table tr td inp...
asked by 22.03.2016 / 18:07