In JavaScript, we have the function test() , for example:
/Test \[(\d+)\]/gi.test(string); // Pode retornar true ou false.
Does php have a similar function?
I need to know the amount of divs that contain a specific class, I thought of looking for all the css I have in the divs, so I'll eliminate it until I find the divs with "has-error", but I can not find who exactly has it a class "has-error"
Is there any way that when I click on an element, update the number of tag to a higher value?
Ex: The value of the tag default is 1 , the tag n , n="1" when clicking on the element updates to n="2" and...
I need to make .tofixed(2) work with commas and not with dot
as a decimal separator.
In case, when I calculate the final result is "501.60" and the certain would be "501.60".
I'm using a jQuery slider, but I would like to improve it in Accessibility .
I would like the keyboard arrows ← and right → to navigate my slider similarly to the click navigation arrows. But I would also like that when pressing the dire...
Imagine a code:
<div id='teste' data-conteudo="funcao()"></div>
I want to get the attribute "% cc" from the "function ()" function to be triggered, as if it were a value of the onclick attribute.
I have several elements whose id contain, for example "elem", can be "% elem" or "elem%", can have characters before the String elem as before or before and then ("% elem%"). And I would like to add all the elements that css with jQuery. How ca...
I have a payment system, which has a select that displays the months since the system started, follows the code below:
<select name="situacao">
I have text and want to get the initial positions of a specific word in all occurrences within that text. For example, I have the following text:
maria gosta de joão. jose gosta de maria. maria gosta de joao e jose.
Note that the word " mar...