How to create alert or pop up to have the same effect as MessageBox in a web application?
My code
public ActionResult NovaSolicitacao(Solicitacao pedidoSolicitacao)
pedidoSolicitacao.Usuario_Id = GetUser();
if (...
I'm having the problem in my JS it's adding the Current class to all #li.
<ul id="navlist">
<li id="home"><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li id="sobre"><a href="/sobre">Sobre</a>
I have this code:
var email = $("#email").val();
var password = $("#password").val();
type: 'post',
data: 'email=' + email + '&password=' + password...
javascript variables that reference each field in my form
var checkbox = $('input:checkbox[name^=check]:checked');
var categoriaVeiculo = $("#codCategoriaVeiculo").val();
var descricaoVeiculo = $("#descricaoVeiculo").val();
var pla...
The code below changes the innerHTML of a DIV and when I run the function item.Footer(); the javascript console tells me "ReferanceError 'item is not defined?"
(function() {var item ={
Name: "site-info"
Html: "Powered by <...
I'm running a .each and would like the last position to have a alert . For this I am trying to get the last position of index :
if (index == len - 1) {
alert("Última posição");
Complete code:
In my code I do a search on BD adding array to the results found. And before the value I enter a letter to identify the results.
$w_select ="SELECT * FROM public.sai_cad_patr_seri WHERE...
Is it possible to check if the variable is null in the JS snippet in PHP?
print("<SCRIPT language=javascript>
string_patr = \"$string_patr\";
string_seri = \"$string_seri\";
I'm having problems, where my form is being sent to the bank but in the alert it appears alert("erro ao enviar formulário"); .
$username = 'root';
$password = '';