Questions tagged as 'javascript'


How to display an ajax error through a url?

I have a login / password field, when some user does not fill in one of the inputs, I display a message using ajax like this: $('#loginform').submit(function(event) { // Values var login = $.trim($('...
asked by 06.08.2014 / 05:20

How to check variables with jQuery so they are not sent empty?

I'm learning about jQuery and I've already started doing Ajax requests to register the information in the mysql database. I have a code that has several variables and I would like to ask how I can check at one time if there is any empty variable...
asked by 07.08.2014 / 03:06

How to pass a QueryString using RegisterStartupScript in ASP.NET?

I have this code in my code behind: ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""), "window.setTimeout(\" $('#" + calendar.ID + "').fullCalendar({header: {left: 'prev,next today',center: 't...
asked by 07.08.2014 / 16:36

How to put an overflow in a script div to leave fixed lists in the header?

Hello, I'm trying to add a overflow:scroll to my project, but this invalidates the script that leaves div marker fixed on top until it reaches the next div . link If you take the overflow: scroll from css in .div...
asked by 05.08.2014 / 21:42

How to add a custom header in AJAX with pure javascript?

I'm using pure javascript to send an AJAX with the Access_token header with a key inside, because web-service requests this request ... but it's not going as I would like. I want it to look like this: Butit'sgettinglikethis: Here's my f...
asked by 08.08.2014 / 13:36

Search in checkbox list

I would like to do a real-time search. Similar to DataTables , but in a "list" of Checkbox . Here is my list of CheckBox <div class="panel-body"> <div> <label> <input id="chk" name="chk" type="che...
asked by 11.08.2014 / 17:04

Google Pie Charts is not displayed when the data has more than one row

I'm trying to display a PieChart, however, if the search in the database returns only one row, the chart is displayed. If you return more than one line, the graph does not appear. function that generates graph data: public function grpAplic...
asked by 14.08.2014 / 14:51

add / remove array to an input hidden

I'm using a jQuery code to add products that are chosen from a select list to a table . The product name and quantity are included, and lastly only the button to remove the product from the table. I have a input hidden that should be p...
asked by 30.06.2014 / 22:37

FullCalendar fetch data from the php database

I'm generating a calendar for a site, and I'm required to use the fullCalendar tool. The question is to get the events by php to my database. In js, the data is listed in the following demo.calendar.js file and contains the following: ;(func...
asked by 09.07.2014 / 13:32

"repaint" in javascript, does it exist?

I'm developing a website, and I added the lionscroll plugin (to show that bar similar to Facebook, which disappears and appears, depending on the position of the cursor). Anyway, the problem is this ... When I'm in desktop resolution, it work...
asked by 03.05.2014 / 18:11