Questions tagged as 'javascript'


How do I make this directive return in ng-bind the sum of the results?

angular.module( 'isfModFinance', []) .directive( 'isfModFinance', function() { var validElementScope = angular.element('<div>{{ model.input }}</div>'); var validElementTotal = angular.element('<div>{{ }}&...
asked by 04.09.2015 / 00:18

Finding Data with jQuery

If anyone can help me: I'm doing an ASP.NET MVC system of academic control. At the time of enrollment, I wanted to put a blank field to enter the CPF, and other fields as the name, but only for presentation, and get the id to effect the enrol...
asked by 05.08.2015 / 21:26

req.session on node.js

I would like to know how the basic operation of the req.session structure of Node.js. Is it native to Express or Express-Session? Please help me understand more about sessions.     
asked by 28.08.2015 / 14:43

Detect when input value is changed via js

I have third system that fills a field by zooming. Below this zoom I have a grid of products (my specific). I need to include a product on this grid whenever the system fills this product field. However, there is no customization point that can...
asked by 09.09.2015 / 20:58

how to leave the url of the page with that gray color different from the server?

Hello ... I would like to know how to leave the subs links of the page with that gray color that neither in the photo?    I do not even know how to explain it ... But I think from the photo to understand what I want to know, I also do not know i...
asked by 06.09.2015 / 08:15

Populating a field by selecting a dropdowlist through popup

I need to open a popup through the event of selecting a dropdownlist in a .net application and in this way populate the field of the first screen with the selection of the option displayed by popup . I confess that I am somewhat lazy w...
asked by 27.08.2015 / 16:17

Fill combobox with ajax

Hello, I have a page that shows a list of system users in a table. At the top of the page, I have 3 combobox that filter the results of the table without refresh. I need to popular the second and third combo dynamically and, at the same time, go...
asked by 25.08.2015 / 19:24

How to limit the minimum screen size?

I'm working with Bootstrap. What I want is for the user to be able to reduce the screen to 700px and from the moment it has 700px the screen does not decrease any more. It can be via Jquery, JavaScript, in JAVA itself or just by CSS, any w...
asked by 21.08.2015 / 19:09

Javascript that replaces

I have a JavaScript code that supposedly should replace the one indicated below: TheplatformofthischatboxisFORUMEIROSandthecodeIamusingisthefollowing:$(window).load(function(){varchatbox_script=function(){varoverrided=Chatbox.prototype.refresh;...
asked by 24.08.2015 / 15:03

Create button play / pause

I'd like to know how I can create a youtube style button to play and pause on top of the video. I would like that when you do not click on it it will stop with the play and click on it it starts the video. Code: <video class="video" id="...
asked by 27.08.2015 / 12:27