Questions tagged as 'javascript'


How do I emulate an application of ionic 2 on the tablet, and also how does it generate a .ipa and .apk?

I want to emulate my ionic 2 application on the tablet but I can not, I already uploaded it to the ionic cloud but it only works on the ionic view application, I also used the ionic emule and the ionic run, but when it opens the emulator of the...
asked by 27.03.2017 / 21:09

How to set conditional properties for a literal object in the simplest way possible with Javascript?

I'd like to know how to add conditional properties to a literal object in the simplest possible way. I currently declare the object and then add the conditional properties as in the following example: function getFamilia(avos) { const fam...
asked by 28.03.2017 / 15:16

How do I return the sum total of the words repeated, within all div?

To illustrate the degree of difficulty, I put 3 div and within them identical words, put it on purpose to add to its duplication. <div> <div> <div> Diego Ademir Diego Maicon Diego...
asked by 23.03.2017 / 18:29

Save page settings when reloading

Hello, I made a web page with a night mode option via a switch. I would like to know if it is possible to store the state of the switch for that person on the page when it enters a subpage etc. Currently, whenever I change the page it returns to...
asked by 06.08.2017 / 01:49

Dealing with synchronous and asynchronous request results

I have a function that triggers an ajax request for a route, see: var getInstituicoesSemUsuario = function(tipo) { var resultado = ""; $.ajax( { url: "{{path_for('instituicao.sem.responsavel')}}",...
asked by 12.08.2017 / 17:35

Open web application executable

I have a code that opens software external to my application. <script> function run(file) { var ws; ws = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");; } </script> Only the external software opens o...
asked by 31.01.2017 / 14:31

Recursive function with for

I'm studying recursive functions and I had a question when I was looking at some algorithms that use recursive function and for . I decided to create a simple example and print some values on the screen to try to understand how the flow of...
asked by 31.01.2017 / 18:12

In Javascript - How to make input accept comma and point in this my script. Returning the values of the plots

HTML <body> <form name="frm" method="post"> valor: <input type="text" name="valor" id="valor" onchange="alteraPonto()"> <input type="button" value="calcular" onclick="calcularParcelas('valor')">...
asked by 06.02.2017 / 14:07

Dynamic form and send to mysql via jquery and ajax

I've already asked some questions about this, but I've been helped, but the kind of way they said it only works if the form is normal, with inputs with name "something here" my form only has an input "text" name "table "to put the table number t...
asked by 03.02.2017 / 18:55

Subtract after removing a row from the JavaScript table

I have a certain bug here. I have a function that calculate the quantity x unit price to give the total value and with that make the total sub. Like an e-commerce cart. $('.total').prop('readonly', true); $('.vlun').mask("
asked by 20.06.2017 / 18:10