Questions tagged as 'javascript'


How to insert CSS formatting in Java Script

I have the following Java Script code: status.text('Enviando...'); How do I format this information that will be written on the screen with CSS? Complete code: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.6.1.min.js" ></scr...
asked by 20.01.2016 / 15:39

Change the value of a parameter passed to a function

I have a dynamic form that I add several fields and I create together a div that is passed by a button that is assigned a onClick event for it passing a function that receives a parameter. This parameter is a sequential number that I crea...
asked by 29.10.2015 / 18:49

How to add a time counter in Game

I got this game in HTML + JavaScript + CSS a while ago, I'd like to implement a time in the upper corner of the screen (either side) bugging every game! Here is the function of Start in the game, I think of implementing the difficu...
asked by 06.02.2016 / 01:56

Change variable when selecting another value in select in JS

How could I change the param value by what I selected in select? the param is in the link that I will be sending to another page. It would only be the id that I selected in the select. var meu_select = $('#meu_select'); meu_select.chang...
asked by 07.02.2016 / 21:47

How to manipulate a link in href

Is it possible to treat a link , for example when I click and the page does not exist, I redirect to a specific place? For a page of "ops this link does not exist" for example. In my case I'm doing an appWeb (phonegap), where I wanted to...
asked by 05.02.2016 / 18:21

Get element by id on another page by javascript

I have two pages: A and B. In B I do a search and I put a table (HTML) and I set an ID for it. In A I have the table call and depending on the situation, I display the table or not. This already worked with ebagrid which I'm replacing with pure...
asked by 29.09.2015 / 21:28

How to fill an xml (request of a WS SOAP) with Javascript

I have an Ajax function doing a POST for a SOAP webservice and I need to insert values into the request XML elements based on what the page user inserts into an input text. How can I do this? My script looks like this: var soapMessage = '&l...
asked by 30.09.2015 / 11:50

Loop in autocomplete JQuery

I'm using this plugin - jquery autocomplete . I have select option and the plugin dynamically creates a input type="text" and hides select . Everything works! I would like to know how to do each letter I type, search t...
asked by 29.09.2015 / 20:16

Divide group divs with jquery

Assuming I have 4 divs whose class is "block". With jQuery I'd like to split the divs into blocks of 2, and "enclose" each sets of "blocks" inside another div. I would like to make the code very dynamic, so that by adding multiple "blocks"...
asked by 29.08.2015 / 07:00

Inside text with canvas

I'm starting on canvas and despite very good documents over the web, specific questions arise. Home For example, I'd like to put a number inside a circle, but I've only got the number, not the circle. I have the following code: var canva...
asked by 27.08.2015 / 05:44