Questions tagged as 'javascript'


How do I save and export an object in the browser console?

On the Cashier website, lottery results are displayed in the console in the form of objects. link I can give a right-click on the Object line, which contains all the contest data, and then click on "Store as global variables". A varia...
asked by 28.07.2018 / 22:02

Selects nested in jquery or javascript?

I have a PivotTable with parcel split and would like to change the values of selects based on their predecessor, eg. Ifyouselectthefirstitemyouwouldlikethesubsequentitemstoassumethesamechosenshape.AnotherexampleIchosethefirstoneasadeposit,th...
asked by 13.09.2017 / 20:32

How to format date for dd / mm / yyyy hh: mm format using JavaScript? [duplicate]

The date I have this looks like this:    "Fri Sep 22 2017 14:42:35 GMT-0300" I need to format it to the following format:    dd / mm / yyyy hh: mm How could I do this using JavaScript or Angular?     
asked by 22.09.2017 / 20:29

How do I use a dynamic information coming from ng-repeat {{}} and use it as an argument to an ng-click (button) function?

I have a ng-click function: ng-click = "adicionar(0);" This function ng-click is inside the ng-repeat = "mercadoria in listademercadoria" loop. Is there a way to pass information according to repeat where it is contained...
asked by 22.09.2017 / 20:55

Validating JavaScript fields

I have a problem with a code that transforms the Phone field into this format: (51) 96321-5465 . However, every time I click Submit, the form says in the field: "É preciso que o formato corresponda ao exigido. "and does not let the form...
asked by 24.05.2017 / 15:20

Are there "problems" with jQuery's small ones?

For example, some parts of a website, I can not fully tinker with HTML, put the platform locked for "security" and do not let it modify, so I use jQuery / JavaScript to do the modification I need. Does this interfere with website performance? A...
asked by 29.05.2017 / 15:16

When using the sort () or map () method,

According to the MDN: sort() changes the original array, if using a functional approach the comparison function can be invoked several times, and can cause execution of processing. The more work the Comparison function does, and the mo...
asked by 30.05.2017 / 00:20

Change color icon button javascript

I have the button: <button id="btnVoltar" style="margin-bottom:0;vertical-align:middle" type="button" class="btn-flat bg-red btn-circle-lg waves-effect" onclick="voltaparaConsulta()"> <i class="material-icons">arrow_back</i&...
asked by 17.07.2017 / 17:38

Event onmouseover random colors

Speak Devs, I'm with the js code below briefly the idea is that when the user clicks the button creates a new screen element in the form of a square, every time the user moves the mouse over the square change his color for a random color generat...
asked by 15.11.2018 / 23:42

Hide table columns when resizing html page

I have an html table: When I resize the page to a smaller resolution I would like it to be only 2 columns, and when it comes back to higher resolution, I would like all 5 columns. Use bootstrap. It could be in javascript too.     
asked by 18.07.2017 / 13:42