Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Filter library states and cities cities-states-js

The code below is working fine (using cities-states-js ), I'd like you to see just the state of Minas Gerais and São Paulo , how do I? <script type="text/javascript" src="
asked by 17.06.2015 / 22:20

How to open a full-screen popup on extended monitors?

I have a scenario where two TVs are used vertically to display a list of requests. I'm trying to open a popup that takes the full screen size of the two TVs, but even putting the height as 3840px the popup only opens by filling the first screen....
asked by 09.01.2018 / 14:30

Is there any JavaScript alternative similar to the Java flatMap? [duplicate]

I need to do an element mapping that returns a vector. However, I'm already doing a job on top of a array , so the simple map will return me a vector containing vectors. In this case, I have a vector of non-homogeneous objects,...
asked by 30.07.2018 / 08:33

Freight calculation with WS post via javascript

I'm trying to make the freight calculation of the post via javascript, but when I do the test it does not pull the data and it returns the error to me    XMLHttpRequest can not load link ... & nVlDiametro = 0 & sCdMaoPropria = s & nVlVa...
asked by 28.07.2017 / 20:00

How to reload or give Refresh in CSS page with Javascript [closed]

I made a code that should generate multiple inputs : var n = document.getElementById("numeroCamadas").value var ttt; var layers = {} for (var i =0; i<n; i++){ layers["layer" + i] = { 'espessura':0 ,...
asked by 09.05.2015 / 19:36

How to apply the DRY (Do not Repeat Yourself) strategy in this code?

I have several tables, one on each page of my application and all will have the same function of filtering a column, but the columns have different names and different orders. How to write this code without being repetitive? $(document).rea...
asked by 19.01.2015 / 16:01

Generating an image based on other images

I have two HTML fields. In each of them, there will be a list of teams. When the user selects the two teams that will play (against each other), I would like to generate an image with the logos of both teams in PNG. Field 1 X Field 2 = PNG Im...
asked by 01.10.2014 / 22:21

How to add values from a column in the table?

I have the following table below: <table class="table table-bordered table-hover" id="customFields"> <thead> <tr> </tr> <tr> <th width="20%">ID</th> <th width="75...
asked by 23.06.2017 / 20:35

Is this code snippet jQuery? And what does he do? [closed]

The code snippet below: <script type='text/javascript'> $('#menu #<? echo $idMenuAtivo; ?>').addClass('active'); </script> Is it written in jQuery or JavaScript? And what does it do?     
asked by 01.08.2017 / 20:20

input only numbers with jquery

I have a function that validates the characters entered and does not let the user use special characters but this same function does not work for numbers, someone knows some function in jquery to validate only numbers in the input function sem...
asked by 01.03.2017 / 15:53