Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Pass input value to PHP variable [duplicate]

I have the following problem: I'm using JavaScript to set a input type hidden in a modal window. Now I need to assign the value that was filled in this field to a PHP variable. I'm not using any form, just the field alone. I t...
asked by 05.02.2015 / 17:53

Attach .js file into another .js file

It is the following: I have an index.html page where the user selects a certain amount via input radio. Clicking on GENERATES a function where document.write creates a form according to the value previously selected by the user. That is, y...
asked by 16.02.2015 / 16:48

Bilingual site with JS

I needed to put a bilingual website and I found this script below, which by the way helped a lot, but it always shows the two versions "BR" "ENG" before "hiding" one of them. Even altering the order of events he continues to show both languages....
asked by 19.02.2015 / 19:14

Get window width and height

I wanted to get the width and height of the window, so that if my page is viewed in different resolutions, if I position the window. Because with different resolutions, the page either becomes small or large. Example: <svg width="980" he...
asked by 19.02.2015 / 11:29

Overlap of data to cycle through for

I have the following table: Thistableisdynamicandworkslikeform,thatis,theuserclickingNovocreatesanewrowwiththedynamicfields.WhenyouclickSalvarDadosalllinescreatedbytheuseraresaved.Sofarsogood.ButwhatI'mdoingisgivingtheuserthepossibilitytoinse...
asked by 25.02.2014 / 15:28

Does JqGrid support formatting with line break?

I'm developing an application where I use Jquery (1.11) with JqGrid (4.54) . This application has already been developed in ASP , where in your content there is a data totalizer per login along with the data displayed as a result in the tab...
asked by 06.03.2014 / 18:27

How to find out the internal IP?

I'm looking for a solution to know the% internal% of a machine. The idea is that through a website, when the user accesses it, find out what the internal ip of it, and then search all other ip , and find which machine has an appl...
asked by 23.01.2014 / 10:43

Remove from a table and insert the same row into another table

How can I remove a line from a table by clicking on an icon check, and clicking the icon, delete the task with id="nexttasks" task and add it to the table with id="mytasks" I was able to remove from one table but not add another. What can I do...
asked by 28.11.2018 / 17:24

Does anyone know how to do a Web Scraping on the SICONV (Free Access) website?

I'm trying to extract the information from the siconv site that deals with covenants in R: link link It turns out that when I use R, with the rvest and httr packages, it redirects to the login screen located at link . I tried to...
asked by 02.12.2018 / 01:28

Darken background by hovering over the link

Hello, How to make a darkening effect on the background of the site by hovering over the main title? Same as this site: link I've tried this addClass but it did not work: ( <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(...
asked by 22.07.2018 / 21:30