Questions tagged as 'javascript'


How to recover source code HTML bi Firefox via Addon / Complement?

I'm writing an addon to Firefox. I need to get the HTML source code open in the current Firefox tab and display in alert using JavaScript. I tried to use alert(document.documentElement.outerHTML) , but just show the code below:...
asked by 04.06.2014 / 04:45

Run script in a div

I own this script. What should I add in it so that, when it runs, it appears in a <div> ? Here's the script: // Which flash versions are needed for given format var FLASH_VERSIONS = { '7/0/0': [5], '9/0/115': [18, 22, 33...
asked by 18.08.2014 / 18:34

Check jQuery variables?

Is there a smarter way to write this verification code, IF ? jQuery("#oformulario").submit(function(){ var nome = jQuery("#nome").val(); var email = jQuery("#email").val(); var telefone...
asked by 09.08.2014 / 20:41

Change jQuery function

I'm having a problem with a jquery code, I found a code almost perfect for my use, however, it has a function that does not fit me and I can not disable it. This function is when I click on some column of thead (the ones that have two sets),...
asked by 15.10.2016 / 09:19

Format json output by separating in commas

I have an object json and I want to divide the result into a comma. Example : 01 , 02 , 03 , 04 , 05 Object json : [{"rank":"0102030405"}] HTML output script $.each(data, function() {...
asked by 07.10.2016 / 17:00

Form: one choice is free, two have to charge. How do I do?

I have a form, where each selected product has a value, and at the end of the form has the total, all this works through the form.js file follows code: var str = ""; var id = ""; var sub = 0.00; var taxa = 0; var taxadeentrega = total - taxa;...
asked by 26.09.2016 / 20:48

select the same id with different numbering jQuery

I use append to create numbering: $("#navigation").append("<li class='waves-effect' id='page_" + (i + 1) + "'>" + "<a>" + (i + 1) + "</a></li>"); below I have specific css for each page number: $("#page_1")...
asked by 04.10.2016 / 12:28

Div with Onclick but not in its jquery elements

I have a div and in it some elements, this div needs to be clickable and that its click will do an action, but, its elements that some are buttons also have own actions, what happens is that when I click on the elements, function of the element...
asked by 04.12.2018 / 01:20

How to read this JSON correctly? MSSQL and Node

{ "recordsets": [ [ { "IdUsuario": 5152490, "strNome": "Roberto ", "IdPapel": 1 }, { "IdUsuario": 5152490, "strNome": "Roberto ", "IdPapel": 3000001 } ] ] I'm...
asked by 30.11.2018 / 18:03

How do I wait until all requisitions have ended?

How can I execute the sortOrder function as soon as the getOrders function finishes all requests? I thought about using a callback , but without success, any suggestions of a promise or code that uses callback? Currently my...
asked by 29.11.2018 / 14:53