Good morning! I've built several blocks with a div that through JavaScript, it interacts as if you were opening a drawer (block) with a click and closing it with two clicks through a function.
However, when you open one block and th...
I'm reviewing a PR from a colleague and I came across the use of $parent , I read a little in the documentation of the angle, but I can not understand what it does. Home
Is it used inside a dialog created inside another, would it have any...
Most libraries come with compressed code as follows
<script>(function(){function c(b){window.setTimeout(function(){var a=document.createElement("script");a.src=b;document.getElementById("xjsd").appendChild(a)},0)}google.dljp=function(b...
Good afternoon!
I'm using the air-datepicker plugin for dates.
When I click on the field, I see the format pt-br dd / mm / yyyy.
Now, therefore, when opening the modal window, this date is displayed in the same dd / mm / yyyy format, sin...
I'm trying to get a value inside the JSON but I can not get the value inside date > artist > image > [3]. # Text
I started to study functional programming and I'm a bit confused about these two items.
My question is: Is Java lambdas equivalent to JavaScript Closures? If not, what is the difference between them?
Thank you.
Setting up a simple OS system without BD, I put a few fields to fill in the HTML page, and at the end a button to print, the problem is that on the screen before asking to print the fields are aligned, when it opens the print window some fields...
Hello, I am a layman in JS / JQuery, but I believe it is in him that I will be able to do what I want.
I do not know if many have used 4chan, but there, there is a function in which, if the user uses the ">" in every beginning of the line...
How do I get only the id and key ?
"type": "champion",
"version": "6.3.1",
"data": {
"1": {
"id": 1,
"key": "Annie",
"name": "Annie",
"title": "a Criança Sombria",
"info": {