I'm creating checkboxes from the DB. I have another one that defines whether all the others are marked or not. When I run the first time it works fine, but the second one does not.
<div class="row smart-form">
<section cla...
Personal I have a select via ajax that pulls the data from my bank
but at the time of submitting the select, I'm not able to display by order of ID Grow ,
<div class="modal-body">
<div id="lista-hospitais-loader" cl...
I want to apply background: transparent no body that is created inside an iframe.
For example:
<iframe src="http://www.meusiteteste.com.br"id="frame_result_show" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Is there any way?
Does anyone know of any javascript mask for input at times where the format is not HH: mm.
I will use it to set the time in project hours and some of them can take more than 24h. Example 120: 00 hours, 200: 00 hours and thereafter. The masks I g...
Well, I tried to make the values in a input type="range" show in real time the user to select more I can not. with jquery it is also the same only when you release the mouse button from class input type="range" that the value is de...
I would like to know how to replace the < /> symbols with Javascript. I'm using the <code></code> tag to display a code, but I do not want it to be rendered in the browser. I know I can use < and...
I'm trying to open a modal, wait 3 seconds, and close it within $( document ).ready() .
When I use $('#myModal').modal('show'); the modal appears but when I do $('#myModal').modal('show').delay(3000).modal('hide'); it does...
The following Ajax call would send to PHP the parameters corresponding to the form that called the function:
var foo = "bar";
var bar = "foo";
function register(){
method: "post",
url: "meu_script.php",
data: $("#form")...
Why behave?
console.log('0' == false);
If I convert Boolean('0') to true is Boo...