Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Find a street from just about any city + state Google Maps API

I'm using the Google Map API, and I'm having a question: how can I search for a single street in a city? If that street is not found in a particular city, nothing happens. I have basically 3 fields: a select for the state, another for the cit...
asked by 05.11.2015 / 15:24

Create a table with sorting using DataTable

I am creating a table and need to give the option to sort the table by the field of your choice. I tried to use the dataTable the data is padded correctly in the table but when I click on a header to sort, filter, or any other function of the da...
asked by 15.11.2015 / 19:54

Split and search for older and newer messages

I have a table . In it to 4 columns ID with high increment, id_user1 would be the id of the user who sent the message, id_user2 would be the id of the user that received and the mensagem to which it receives the...
asked by 15.07.2015 / 14:48

Print HTML page in mobile browsers

I'm building a system that will work on the web in PHP, where I have to make some impressions of some vouchers. The system can print the pages in HTML when I am on the computer, when I am accessing the system by a Smartphone or tablet the print...
asked by 18.11.2015 / 16:05

Axes of a Cartesian plane changing according to HTML5 zoom (canvas) + JAVASCRIPT

Galera is as follows, I am doing with js + html5 and canvas a program to plot graphics: Iwouldliketoimplementazoom+and-asintheimage,andreturntotheoriginalzoombyclicking'='.Mydifficultyisthis:afterzooming,theCartesianaxes'x'...
asked by 24.07.2015 / 15:44

Provide downloadable file via javaScript

I have a javascript application where the user can see certain files from the server. I would like to know how to make these files available for download, something like a "Save As" button. Thank you in advance.     
asked by 14.07.2015 / 23:03

Getting started with WebRTC, I'm lost

I need to develop a simple project: link between points that share video and audio (video calling in the case), simple, only in theory. I started searching on the subject and am completely lost, there is peerjs , there is webrtc ,...
asked by 15.07.2015 / 17:02

Get search result in google with JQuery

Hello, I'm wondering how to do the following: Using JQuery, I want to get the 1st result link from a Google search. An example: $("#bt_tempInfo").load(" ._Rm:first-child", function(){ l...
asked by 15.07.2015 / 16:48

Check area size on Canvas

I have a code that when you open the report information, a rectangle is created on top of each image in Canvas. However, these images have different sizes, but the canvas remains the same size. I need to make if the area of the image is 1 the ca...
asked by 30.09.2015 / 16:30

How do I have two or more dynamic filters in the same Javascript product group? [closed]

The code works on the first filter but when I choose the second filter it performs a new search and ignores the first one. How do I make the filters work simultaneously. Follow the code $(document).ready(function(){ $("#filtr...
asked by 11.01.2016 / 19:42