Questions tagged as 'javascript'


What kind of focus is this?

I was reading articles on this site, link , and I selected content and the page closed on content and gave a special "focus" I searched the internet a bit but did not find anything similar, this is a script or is the owner's own, how to reprodu...
asked by 27.06.2015 / 17:26

How to create a join form (PickList) in modal?

How to make the screen below in modal. Remembering that the boxes are multi-selectable, and how do I click the Associar > button to pass to the right column the values I selected on the left and vice versa when I click on <...
asked by 23.02.2016 / 19:03

Is it correct to use $ (selector) .not (': visible') here?

I am refactoring the CSS of a system function and to treat the CSS property and not a string I changed this line of code: (from the 1st way was working correctly) var ultimaMensagem = $("#box-confirm:not([style*='display: none;']),#box-erro:n...
asked by 01.07.2015 / 16:38

How to put one element before another with jQuery?

How to make a certain HTML before another div? I tried using prepend but it poe at the beginning inside the div but I want it to put above / before and out of it, using prepend it looks like this: <div class="pai"><div&g...
asked by 27.06.2015 / 00:06

How to make a pie chart with database?

I have the table in my database called votes, in it I have id, name and votes, I wanted to plot those values being, name and value in a pie chart or what is the percentage of votes each name <? $SQL1 = "SELECT * FROM votes"; $...
asked by 25.04.2014 / 21:27

Scope of variables within $ .getJSON

The variable role gets a new value in every Loop , when it is inside $.getJSON it takes the second value of the array and does not change anymore. There are two console.log(); in the code, I put their return next to it...
asked by 13.03.2014 / 19:00

Doubt about web application chat with Java and PrimeFaces

Well, I'd like to ask a question. I have to make some kind of chat where people can talk to each other. It will work just like a chat of Facebook or WhatsApp for example, but I do not have any database or reference that I can s...
asked by 24.06.2015 / 19:15

SelectOneMenu of Primefaces selects an item by pressing a shortcut key with CTRL

I have forms in JSF with some keyboard shortcuts, for example, CTRL + S triggers submit to save the data. The problem is that when a key combination is pressed in a <p:selectOneMenu> field, the first item starting with S...
asked by 16.05.2014 / 21:09

jQuery unique, difference in Chrome and Firefox?

I'm having an unexpected behavior with unique of jQuery. The following command: var x = [1,2,1,2]; var y = $.unique(x); document.write(y); In Chrome it results in 1,2 (which is correct), but in Firefox it appears 1,2,...
asked by 14.05.2014 / 16:47

How to use fadeIn () with an append ()?

How to add the fadeIn () effect, along with an append (). EXAMPLE     
asked by 19.02.2014 / 23:36