I'm trying to put a search on the page, similar to the CTRL + F of the browser. I have a list of links and this search would only point to this list. Here is a print for better understanding.
In my project I constantly come across this type of conditional expression:
if(cliente && cliente.id) {
return cliente.id;
} else {
return '';
That is, "if there is a client and this client has an id then return the value...
I'm using the following code snippet:
window.open('provas-final.php','height=320, width=320', 'gl');
to open the file "proof-final.php" and in the command itself I am saying the width and height of the window that will open (320px), but whe...
I've always been one of those who understood the functions and applied, but I want to understand why:
var a = "__myseld=ej232;Nome=Alexandre";
var as = a.split(";");
var x = 0;
while (x<5) {
alert("type of de as(sem match): "...
I need to get some elements inside a Javascript JSON framework. I can get unit elements like this:
I created a table that is the summary of all my previous calculations and in this table I created a field where I placed a radial input to be able to select one of the calculated options. I need to identify which of the inputs was clicked, using...
I need to serialize () only on the lines selected with the checkbox
<form id='form'>
<table class='table table-bordered'>
I would like to know how to access an element within another element through the id using pure JavaScript.
Currently I use getElementsByTagName('a') but as in my project I will have several elements of the same type, it will not be usu...
Can you declare a variable in PHP and then use it in JavaScript?
var w_qtd_v = 0;
<script language="javascript">
w_qtd_v = w_qtd_v + 1;
My situation : I have a masked input like this: 0,0000 % . However, to be able to validate as a wish, I need to use a replace , changing the comma by point, removing the % and then treating the value this way: 0.0000 ....