Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Get the value of the "option" that was clicked to either select / deselect

I have the following <select> : <select id="multiselect" multiple="multiple"> <option value="pedra">Pedra</option> <option value="papel">Papel</option> <option value="tesoura">Tesoura</o...
asked by 11.02.2014 / 15:50

How to schedule a Javascript event?

Information: I would like to know how to do Agendamento of an event, ie any function I would pass as a parameter, which would execute such dia tal mês : ano that I would also pass as a parameter. Example: agenda...
asked by 11.02.2014 / 18:51

How to add an onBlur event without overwriting the original?

I have a code that is basically like this: <input type="text" value="" onfocus="myFunction(this);" onblur="alert('1');"> <script> function myFunction(obj) { obj.onblur = function() { alert("2"); }; } </script...
asked by 14.03.2014 / 14:13

Record session with javascript using cookie and a button

Hello, I put up a banner, where I need it when the user enters the site and clicks the GOT IT button it disappears and when the user re-enters the site or uploads another link does not appear anymore. Disappear I got it, but save the user with c...
asked by 18.12.2018 / 16:49

Dynamize title with AngularJS

I want to streamline my page% with AngularJS. It's currently static: <title>Workspace</title> I would like to know how I can change this name based on what is stored in database . Currently in a place where the client will do t...
asked by 13.11.2014 / 19:34

JavaScript variables reference

To generate the following array: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Consider the following code for constructing an array with equal rows: var linha = [1, 2, 3, 4]; var matriz = [linha, linha, linha ]; matriz[3] = linha ;...
asked by 21.11.2014 / 03:47

Dynamically manipulating the DOM with jQuery

The system I'm currently working on requires a lot of AJAX and DOM manipulation, so I started learning (not long ago), jQuery. In the feature I'm currently developing, there's a jQuery plugin called multi-select , which aims to select a few...
asked by 28.10.2014 / 13:51

How do I always get the latest video from a YouTube channel?

I have a% div of% and within it, I want the last video posted to a channel to always appear. I have this structure in jQuery, however I can not get it to pull only 1. Here is the structure: $(function() { // Baixar URLs do feed do canal...
asked by 13.11.2014 / 14:24

Display conditional problem in Js

I'm trying to create a conditional with display: block; and display: none; but JS is not bringing the value of the css display of my #slide element. What is the problem? var slider = document.getElementById('slide'); if...
asked by 13.02.2014 / 14:53

Dynamic Array in JavaScript

I'm trying to dynamically generate an array arrays . For example: check = function (title, filter) { if (checked.indexOf(title) !== -1) { checked[title].push(filter); } else { checked.push(title);...
asked by 11.11.2014 / 21:28