Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Validate email in JavaScript [duplicate]

Good afternoon, I have a question in an exercise that I have to solve and I wanted to ask you to help me: How do I make a function in JavaScript that takes a string as an argument and verifies that an email is valid, that is, if it conta...
asked by 03.07.2015 / 13:48

Does not INSERT the data in the database

Well folks, I have this code, and what happens is that since I inserted the part to upload an image it does not send anything to the database. Not a new line creates, nothing at all. Can someone help me? <? require('../cdn/lib/
asked by 03.05.2015 / 21:02

Run function only once after site loading

A friend passed me a script from a box that opens when someone enters the site, but refreshing the page appears again. Could you help me? Below the code: function timer() { jQuery('.cloudbanner').hover(function () { jQuery('#f...
asked by 15.05.2015 / 17:30

Problem with links in ckeditor

When I add a link of type into CKEditor it automatically inserts &amp leaving the link looking like this: Has anyone ever had...
asked by 06.03.2015 / 13:57

Populating city and state selects with AJAX (PHP and jQuery Mobile) [duplicate]

I'm building a webapp with the framework JQuery Mobile, PHP and AJAX. In this app I have a form with selects of ESTADO and CIDADE , an AJAX has been done that when it chooses ESTADO , it loads CIDADES according...
asked by 19.06.2015 / 22:24

Use the direct Angular routes of the HTML file

I need to develop an offline app where it will be accessed directly from the HTML file, as far as I know Angular needs the HTTP protocol to perform the routes yet. Eg: The URL will thus be file://angular-project/index.html/#/lista inst...
asked by 06.04.2015 / 19:01

Coordinates of selected area in image

I have the following question: I have an image and I want to make a selection of any area of this image, as in the example marked by the red square (consider this to be the selection). From this selection, I need to know the coordinate of...
asked by 12.06.2016 / 19:05

Page Print

Good morning, I wonder if there is any way to count how many times a particular page (html) has been printed. I know we can count the times that a modal was opened with the click of the button, in the same modal I have a button to print (the con...
asked by 28.01.2016 / 11:32

Class Patterns [duplicate]

I'm not getting Portuguese literature, so I found an article in English that I did not quite understand the concept , could someone help me explaining the differences: Write a Class with methods within the Class: function MyClass() {...
asked by 03.07.2015 / 15:25

Div with fixed position on the screen within the limits of another div

I need a div to be fixed on the screen, ie, go down as I see the rest of the page, but the problem with position:fixed is that it takes the element out of the page flow. I want this div to be fixed within the bounds of another div, and...
asked by 17.08.2015 / 19:34