Questions tagged as 'java'


custom listview repeating last insert inserted

To learn, I'm trying to create a custom listview, getting values from the database, I created this MetasAcvivity where I call the list method public void listarMetas() { ArrayList<Meta> values = new ArrayList<>(); Cursor...
asked by 20.09.2015 / 03:13

What's wrong with running Hibernate Query?

I'm running this query in hibernate: manager.createQuery("from Usuario where senha = '" + senha + "' and login = '" + login + "'", Usuario.class).getResultList(); But it is giving an exception that one of the columns does not exist in the D...
asked by 26.09.2015 / 20:36

What to do after mapping?

I want to make a system for placing and fetching data in a bank. It is an agenda that the user inserts the site, the commitment and the priority. For now, that's all. I've already started mapping. The question is: Do I need the MySQL Connecto...
asked by 30.09.2015 / 15:44

Java command to ignore Encoding

I have the following situation, I work with software A vehicle sales, it has the opportunity to sell and it has a media (as the customer was aware of the opportunity), in addition to store opportunities, software A receives information from a ve...
asked by 13.01.2016 / 18:11

Mark / Unmark a line in JTable by changing its color

Good morning everyone! I'm new here in the forum, I apologize if I opened this topic in the wrong place. Hi, I'm trying to create a Java Swing with the JTable component. I've tried a few things, and nothing that gives me a light! I would l...
asked by 12.01.2016 / 13:11

about crud with attachment I am not able to do the save action

You're adof to run an actio in Grails. The next step is for the action to save an attachment and a title to the attachment. Does anyone provide me with crud links with attachments?     
asked by 11.01.2016 / 20:54

How to adjust the view so they are small independent of the device?

I made an application where I create part of the interface in xml and part via java code, the part in xml works in any application adapting the screen size correctly. The part via code on a 7.8-inch device looks good, however on a 4-inch screen...
asked by 11.01.2016 / 17:25

Attribute of type HashMap appears as Object

I'm using the Spring framework and the repositories, and in one of the interfaces of one of these repositories I have, for example, a method like this: @Query("select extract(month from u.atributo1), coalesce(sum(u.atributo2), 0) from #{#entit...
asked by 21.10.2015 / 15:10

Doubts database / batch control system

I'm working on a project where I came across a problem where I do not know what would be the most efficient way to do it. My project has a product registration in which I want to control by batch, for example: Product - Rubber Lot 1 - I...
asked by 19.10.2015 / 17:41

Preventing JFrame from being moved on the screen

I have a frame in java, and it sits in the middle of the screen. I do not want it to be moved to other places on the screen like I would to set it?     
asked by 02.12.2015 / 19:30