Questions tagged as 'java'


Is it possible to tell the size of the VARCHAR in a NamedParameter?

I'm working on a tuning of a SQL Server database. Through the query below, I can see how the bank ran some of my heaviest queries. SELECT TOP 30 deqt.TEXT AS Query, last_execution_time FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats deqs C...
asked by 01.11.2017 / 13:14

Persistent resource return with Hibernate

Good afternoon. I would like to understand how to solve the following question: In the project I'm working on, Backend and Frontend are separated. To persist the data I am using Hibernate and to control the connection with the DB I have a fil...
asked by 25.06.2018 / 18:55

Save cropped image after upload

I'm trying to save a cropped image after the user uploads the image. The upload works fine and I can save the cropped image too, but something strange is happening. The image is only trimmed and saved if I put the image path directly into the im...
asked by 09.02.2014 / 12:33

Consuming web service of the PJe

I need to consume the progress of a process using the web service provided by the PC. I am following the guidelines described in: link According to the tutorial, WSDL has the following format: • Web Service: http://ENDEREÇO DA APLICAÇÃ...
asked by 25.04.2018 / 21:29

How do I run a video within JFrame?

I want to open a screen and it contains a type of player to run the video that is attached to the project!     
asked by 01.12.2014 / 03:38

Format date return with Date format and no String

I'm trying to return a date that is recorded right in the bank (1986-04-30 17:02:00), I try to convert this date to appear only "04/30/1986", but it's no use. The most I get back is Wed Apr 30 00:00:00 BRT 1986. To create the list with Hib...
asked by 08.01.2017 / 20:39

Keyboard does not recognize Edittext

I have several EditText within an item in my list ExpandleListView . Always clicking on EditText the following message will appear and no text will be typed in the field:    getSelectedText on inactive InputConnection   g...
asked by 30.03.2015 / 16:58

Mapping JPA ListMap ..

I have the following problem and would like some opinion to know the best approach: Let's suppose that you have a system that manages a school and would like to have the option for the administrator of the system in which it can register a mo...
asked by 06.02.2015 / 19:26

Generate report IReport / Jasper Report containing 2 pages (with 3 columns each) on the same sheet in landscape mode

I'm making a report for a client and I can not mount it according to their need. What it needs is to generate a PDF of A4 sheet in landscape mode, each sheet containing two pages (odd and even), and each page with 3 columns. I have already re...
asked by 30.11.2014 / 04:18

How to Generate Thumbnail from a Video for Android?

I'm developing an android application, one of the screens of it should generate thumbnails of videos and display them in a list. Like the image below. Iwasabletogeneratethumbnailsofimages,butI'vetriedseveralwaystogeneratethethumbnailsofthevideo...
asked by 18.02.2016 / 19:20