Questions tagged as 'java'


When trying to access the repository com.sun.faces.context.AjaxExceptionHandlerImpl handlePartialResponseError

Well, I'm having a problem here, and I can not solve it. I already searched the forums, but I also did not see any solutions. Does anyone give this help please? The error happens when I try to save the form with the user data. I thought I cou...
asked by 14.08.2018 / 20:13

Creating an injector with Google Guice

I'm trying to use Google Guice in my application. So I created a Module binding an interface with an implementation ... public class ApplicationModule extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { super.confi...
asked by 15.08.2018 / 20:11

Registering new date in MySQL

When I first register the item in the database it picks up the date it was created and saved in the database, the problem happens when I edit the item in the program and then saved in the database it saves a new date. Item: String nome; int...
asked by 31.08.2018 / 22:54

Java slowness warning

How to check that a method is taking a long time to be finalized and to display a warning to the user. There is a method in the application that can take a while ... I made a test code to detect the slowness of a method and to show a warning...
asked by 08.08.2018 / 21:47

How to horizontally center on the screen an item from a recyclerview (horizontal)?

What I want is the following result: Whenever the user moves to the next or previous item, it will be centered on the screen, just as it works if I used the Carousel. I tried some carousel libs but they only allowed to add texts / i...
asked by 08.08.2018 / 23:04

Images in the ListView reloading every time I select the fragment?

I'm using the batch drawable importer to generate different images according to dpi. Each original image has the resolution of 1920x1080 with an average size of 350kb. However, an image with a huge 4mb size is generated in the xxxhdpi folder. (I...
asked by 06.08.2018 / 18:35

How to download data in firebase through storage?

I used Firebase documentation and I still did not understand how to download a file that is in Storage by my app.     
asked by 09.08.2018 / 22:14

Can I assign the same URL to more than one controller?

I'm trying to use AJAX $.ajax({ url : urlN, // <<- "/log" type: "post", success : function(json) { console.log(json); document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = json; } setInterval(refreshDiv, 5000);...
asked by 09.08.2018 / 19:40

Get values from the 4th node of Firebase on Android

I need to look for the red-highlighted values in the image, but I only know the item in blue. Itriedthisway:firebase=ConfiguracaoFirebase.getFirebase().child("tb_contato").child(identificador); valueEventListener = new ValueE...
asked by 03.08.2018 / 21:01

Java: StreamCorruptedException on serialization / deserialization of objects

I'm doing an exercise involving serialization and deserialization in Java. In the program execution I am getting the following error in the IDE console (NetBeans): set 08, 2018 5:07:53 PM testeserializador.Serializador desserializar Nome: sabã...
asked by 08.09.2018 / 22:26