Well, I'm having a problem here, and I can not solve it. I already searched the forums, but I also did not see any solutions. Does anyone give this help please?
The error happens when I try to save the form with the user data. I thought I cou...
I'm trying to use Google Guice in my application. So I created a Module binding an interface with an implementation ...
public class ApplicationModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
When I first register the item in the database it picks up the date it was created and saved in the database, the problem happens when I edit the item in the program and then saved in the database it saves a new date.
String nome;
How to check that a method is taking a long time to be finalized and to display a warning to the user.
There is a method in the application that can take a while ... I made a test code to detect the slowness of a method and to show a warning...
What I want is the following result:
Whenever the user moves to the next or previous item, it will be centered on the screen, just as it works if I used the Carousel. I tried some carousel libs but they only allowed to add texts / i...
I'm using the batch drawable importer to generate different images according to dpi. Each original image has the resolution of 1920x1080 with an average size of 350kb. However, an image with a huge 4mb size is generated in the xxxhdpi folder. (I...
I need to look for the red-highlighted values in the image, but I only know the item in blue.
valueEventListener = new ValueE...
I'm doing an exercise involving serialization and deserialization in Java. In the program execution I am getting the following error in the IDE console (NetBeans):
set 08, 2018 5:07:53 PM testeserializador.Serializador desserializar
Nome: sabã...