Questions tagged as 'java'


Extract JSON data within JSON that comes from a Web Service serving an Android APP

Good evening, how are you? I'm developing an Android APP and it consumes data from a webservice, however I'm having trouble getting some information into the APP. This is the JSON that I return to my APP: { "cod":1 ,"dados":...
asked by 18.01.2017 / 06:39

Search a table in MySQL with Java

I'm having trouble trying to fetch something from the table, I'm a newbie so I did it the way I know. Button code: livros.setPesquisarLivro(txtLivro.getText()); try { modelo.setNumRows(0); for (ObjetoLivro c : livroDAO....
asked by 16.01.2017 / 14:23

Maven causes problem with special characters for ISO-8859-1 files

I have a fully configured Eclipse project and my .java files use ISO-8859-1 encoding and some other resource files use UTF-8 encoding. I need to create an archetype from this project. I've tried it anyway and I can not get Maven to create...
asked by 07.11.2016 / 18:37

How to play the data of a Jlist in another Jlist that is in another Jframe?

I tried several ways, but I could not find a solution.    When I click the save button. I want it to throw the data from this Jlist to the other Jlist that is in the Other Jframe. "I could not activate the code block, sorry." //Método para Adi...
asked by 07.11.2016 / 12:27

Gson: JsonObject conversion error for JsonArray (JsonPrivate can not be cast to

I'm trying to convert a JSONObject item to an ArrayList and for this I created this function from an example I saw here in the forum: public static ArrayList<Produto> converte(JSONObject jsonObject){ ArrayList<ArrayList>...
asked by 05.11.2016 / 16:43

Adding JSF in java project

I created a Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2, defined it as a Web Application, and later installed JSF. Before installing JSF, the framework added index.jsp, which works normally, after adding JSF I created a new file called index.xhtml,...
asked by 06.11.2016 / 14:13

Pass values from a table to a modal dialog (JSP)

Good afternoon everyone! I'm trying to pass values from a table to a modal window, but I'm not getting it ... I've tried something jquery, but I do not know what I might be doing wrong ... I will post the code, which is working, but without chan...
asked by 06.11.2016 / 19:18

Arrange accented words in a list

I wonder if you can organize accented words within JComboBox . So far I have managed to organize the words without an accent, but the accented ones do not. Follow the code. public class OrdenarCombo extends JFrame { JComboBox<...
asked by 11.10.2016 / 02:24

Sending sms via Java [closed]

Personally, I'm developing a financial application that I was asked to complete at the end of a posting, sending a sms to the primary admin. I am using Java web, Mavem, jsf, Hibernate. Could someone give me a light. Thank you.     
asked by 12.10.2016 / 00:07

"Please configure your build for VectorDrawableCompat"

I created an application that uses the database and it is not running. When I open it, it shows the following message    "Beta Database application stopped" So I went to see LogCat and it shows that the error is in the onCreate of my acti...
asked by 12.10.2016 / 16:04