Questions tagged as 'java'


Shared Preferences Android Stidop

I had to see a tuturial on youtube and I copied this code to save and delete inserted values, my doubt is that it always appears that "0" as it has below and I would like to know how I can remove it without giving error, I leave also the code an...
asked by 03.10.2017 / 12:44

HTTP Response issues

I'm studying the use of sockets and multithreading to build an HTTP server in Java, but I'm experiencing some complications. When I run the server code, it opens correctly in Internet Explorer, but in Google Chrome it does not even display the S...
asked by 03.10.2017 / 23:37

Is it possible to save a file to "Downloads" using Totalcross?

To contextualize .. Initially I was trying to implement opening a PDF using Totalcross as can be seen in this question: How to open a PDF using Totalcross? However, there is no solution to this problem. So, another way is to save the file t...
asked by 16.10.2017 / 18:43

How to open a PDF using Totalcross?

In my application made in Totalcross, I make a REST call and it returns a byte[] where I convert to a pdf and save it to a specific directory inside the device. In this flow, everything is ok. My need is .. within the application, I ne...
asked by 09.10.2017 / 19:29

Problem in left join JPA - JPQL

   Exception in thread "main" javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException:   Unable to find CNPJ with id 00001388000307 Reading the documentation, I saw that this exception is thrown when it tries to access (by the getReference method o...
asked by 13.10.2017 / 19:37

How to modify phone field?

I have a stylized component with phone formatting, as follows    (XX) XXXXX-XXXX I would like to know how I can remove the part of DD → (XX) , so that the field looks like this: XXXXX-XXXX I tried to modify the cases, but not very sur...
asked by 01.09.2017 / 13:50

Check Connection with the bank and validate for the user

I would like to know the following: I am trying to make an application that makes several connections to the database. I wanted to always check the connections and if the connection is not available alert the user and close the running method .....
asked by 30.08.2017 / 14:31

JFormattedTextField deleting inserted data [closed]

I have 4 TextFields to put DDD, numbers before hifen, numbers after hifen and zip. private JTextField ddd=null; private JTextField antesh=null; private JTextField depoish=null; And a method formatarTextboxes(); try{ t...
asked by 02.09.2017 / 18:14

Check app idle time

What is the most efficient way to check app idleness? I need to close the app if I do not interact with it for a certain amount of time. I have a functional solution, but perhaps there is something more appropriate that I have not found. Here's...
asked by 01.09.2017 / 13:37

Problem with JavaFx

I'm having trouble when I add a JFX button that is present in the Jfoenix library. When opening my FXML document, it directs right to the SceneBuilder, and within it, to use all the items contained in the Jfoenix library. But when I run my pr...
asked by 19.10.2017 / 15:38