Questions tagged as 'java'


Obfuscating Java code with ProGuard

Problem: I'm getting warnings from ProGuard and I can not seem to obfuscate my .jar , it's the first time I get these warnings and I can not finish the obfuscation. Problem details: Note: Application is working, withi...
asked by 21.02.2014 / 19:10

How to execute a Bean method when clicking on the Save button of the rich: Editor using RichFaces4?

Hello, I'm using RichFaces4 and my project includes the tag This presents a Save (Disket) button and my intention is to call a method on my Bean and run my code to save.    I do not want to add a new button because I would like to follow the...
asked by 21.02.2014 / 21:23

Close all open jframes when opening a new one

How can I close all open jframes in my project when I execute an action that opens another jframe? I have a login system and when needed, I invoke another frame to set a password. After setting the password I make the dispose () to this jfram...
asked by 09.12.2014 / 16:09

Calculator using Socket in Java

I'm doing a college job and got some information from the Internet, the teacher asked a client to send 2 values and a basic operation, the server should take this and return the total. It turns out that the client only takes the variables of him...
asked by 06.12.2014 / 15:36

Error with the commons Mail "Sending the email to the following server failed:"

Hello. I'm trying to send an email from java and I'm using commons mail and javamail for this. More is giving error ... Follow method. I've already changed the .. "Allow less secure apps" in gmail public void enviarEmail(String emailDeDestino,...
asked by 12.09.2018 / 04:54

Join with Specification

I have the following query: SELECT tab1.nom_shopping, tab1.nom_fantasia, tab1.luc, tab1.dat_vencimento, tab1.num_boleto, tab1.val_saldo_aberto, tab2.num_cpfcnpj negativado, tab2.id_pessoa_vinculo_loja [IdPessoa],...
asked by 12.09.2018 / 20:55

How to get the ImageButton Width

How can I get the width of an ImageButton defined in XML as 0 being this defined by weight? <LinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_marginTop="10dp" android:l...
asked by 09.09.2018 / 08:38

Struts2 - Is it possible to access an action backend method in the JSP?

I'm using Struts2 to build a web application. I have a method in a class called BaseAction , where all other Actions extend it, as written below: public boolean isUserFullyLogged() { final Boolean isLogado = (Boolean) this.ret...
asked by 31.03.2014 / 20:28

Push notification on a local network (case without internet)

I've studied the GCM services to send and receive notifications for android , but I have the following question: If I am in a local environment, and the data server is in the same environment, is there any way I can work with the aut...
asked by 24.03.2014 / 13:49

Problem with internal database

I'm trying to manipulate an internal database with the following code: sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tipo ([codigo] integer autoincrement,nome text not null);"; bancoDados.execSQL(sql); sql = "INSERT INTO \"tipo\" VALUES(1,\"ESTADUAL\");"...
asked by 23.03.2014 / 21:29