Questions tagged as 'java'


Where to start a system that performs a task hourly

I'm a bit confused, where can I start a system that performs a task every hour? Are there any frameworks? The system will be desktop and will run on a Windows Server 2003 server. The idea is that every 1 hour the system searches the database...
asked by 02.06.2015 / 21:54

How to read an XML file from the server

To create a java desktop application that accesses the internet and le an xml file. Well, that's the initial propolis. I am using the Socket class to do communication between the server and the application. But now I do not know how to read XML....
asked by 02.06.2015 / 17:36

How to put a MouseCliked event on a table using JavaFX

I'm trying to put a MouseCliked event in my table but this error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch My method looks like this: private void tblArquivosMouseCliked(ActionEvent event) { System.out.println("...
asked by 29.05.2015 / 15:38

Control java application from the outside

I created a java SE application that runs in the background, without swing or anything ... But how do I control this application? for example, in python applications we can execute commands (python -c command1 -u command2), so I can...
asked by 27.05.2015 / 23:55

Run Java Method from Time to Time - Run Periodically

How do I execute a method of a Java class from x in x time in WebLogic? From what I've been checking, there's the possibility of using the @Schedule annotation in the (Java EE 6) method. But as I'm using Java EE 5, this annotation does not wo...
asked by 02.06.2015 / 11:59

Is there any way to add more than one mask to a JFormattedTextField?

I have JFormattedTextField for a 'price' attribute. In it I say that its format is "R $ #####, ##". However, since I still do not know how to add events (I am learning) I would like to know if a new mask is needed (and if so, for examp...
asked by 15.06.2015 / 02:49

How to get the coordinates (X and Y) of a click on an imageview?

I'm making an application that has an image that occupies all ImageView , and when the user clicks somewhere on that image, the X and Y coordinates corresponding to the image are drawn, and a circle with a center is drawn at that point. Si...
asked by 16.08.2015 / 06:58

How to use variables declared in other JSP pages after include?

I have a jsp page with only two includes in the whole code: <%@ include file = "../_global/prefixos.jsp" %> <%@ include file = "../_global/testaProfessor.jsp" %> In prefixos.jsp I have the following: <%@ taglib pref...
asked by 15.08.2015 / 15:19

Show PDF on page via Servlet

Hello, I'm developing a web application using Servlets and JSPs. I do not have much experience yet. My page contains a button that downloads a BD file and a <object> html to display a PDF that is in the BD. The button works no...
asked by 12.08.2015 / 13:34

Doubts about security in Sockets SSL communication

I wonder if this communication between sockets is secure. From this code can I exchange information securely? I'm also sure to understand how the SSLContext class works (it's not in that code). Server import; imp...
asked by 13.08.2015 / 03:33