I have a method and inside it a thread, I needed to "start" it from another class and then check when the thread is gone. Is it possible to do that? my code:
Thread th;
public void inserir(){
th = new Thread(){
public void run(){...
Well, I'm developing a Java application to manage my bank statement, to separate the releases by categories and date, to generate graphs in the future.
What are the means to save, modify and query data? So that I can easily repass the applica...
In my class SocioDAO I have the salvarSocio() method that will save to the database. In my class DadosUsuario I have the information that needs to be written
in the bank in cadastrarUsuario() case. How to proceed to v...
How to include in my class an event that gives me the ability to click on JButton and it shows a JOptionPane ? And, in the same way, in the same JButton , I press the ENTER and it shows me the same JOptionPane ?
I have a screen and on this screen I have a TextField that is populated by a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy and then I convert that date to yyyy-mm-dd which is the format of java.sql.date until there is quiet, but now I am no...
In JSF where would be the best place to set business rules? In the model, in the managed-bean, or in a business rules layer (I'm rather reluctant to adopt this latter approach), or do I implement such rules as JSF custom validators? I have quest...
I have the following code:
public class FlagApplication {
private Scanner keyboard;
private void insertNewRegistry(){
System.out.println("insira os dados de pessoa: nome, peso, altura, idade, sexo e bi.");
I started trying to learn the play framework and saw that until version 2.2.x everything was done from the concole by typing the "play new, play run, etc" command and, except that to run this version it would have to be outdated I would like to...