Questions tagged as 'java'


Select Multiple rows in JTable in Java

Good evening, my question is how to select multiple lines in an action, I want to create a condition in a column if the value is bigger select the line, but if you have equal values, you have to select it as well. I tried to do this in the code...
asked by 19.10.2015 / 01:32

Java 8 (Stream) - Summed group

Good morning. I have the following function below: private List<Object[]> calcularTotal(List<Object[]> lista, int chave, int valor){ return .map(l -> new Object[] {l[chave], l[valor]})...
asked by 19.02.2015 / 14:32

How to print 0.10 instead of 0.1 in Java?

The code below counts how many letters you have in a word and multiplies by 0.01. The problem is that when a 10-letter word, for example, is entered, it has an output of 0.10 instead of 0.1. import java.util.Scanner; import java.text.DecimalFo...
asked by 10.07.2018 / 22:31

My application does not start in Spring-Tools Suite

I created a maven project in the Spring-Tools Suite when I started to see this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to read Class-Path attribute from manifest of jar file:/C:/Users/Manoel/.m2/repository/xml...
asked by 03.02.2017 / 15:02

Vector Initialized but Null

I'm freaking out with a simple piece of code. My application is for giving information to use on a course. I add several cities, and then I try to add to the vector, but at the end the vector is always null. Here is the code: Ponto_Turi...
asked by 12.01.2017 / 00:58

Infinite listview on android

I have an app that consumes a web service, but I have a generic call that searches all users and this is taking too long because I have several records, I want to do so the user goes down the screen and there is more data in the listview , but m...
asked by 31.07.2015 / 00:55

Graphics in PrimeFaces

I have a method that does a query in the database and returns me a List , in this List I have three data that interest me: Funcionário and StatusTarefa . Example: I have 2 Employees performing various tasks, a task ca...
asked by 20.07.2015 / 13:55

Convert float value to String

I'm programming for android, and I'm trying to display a float value found by the getX() function on a Toast, which only displays String values. How do I do this conversion?     
asked by 02.07.2018 / 01:03

How to create a prefix for the url using spring boot

I learned to use spring doing all the configuration in java classes and now I'm migrating to spring boot 2.0.2 . I would like to know how to create a prefix on the URL that has the project name that serves as the basis for it....
asked by 26.05.2018 / 19:31

File reading in IDE works and at the time it generates .jar does not work

I have an application that reads a text file that is in the same folder as the application. When I run the program on netbeans it reads the normal file: ButwhenIgeneratetheJARitdoesnotreadthefile: I'vecheckedifwhentheJARisgeneratedthetextfil...
asked by 14.05.2018 / 02:04