After much research, without success, I decided to post my doubts.
I'm using JPA / Hibernate and I have two tables: a Pessoa and a Funcionário .
The error occurs when I save my data, the foreign key pessoa_id is empty,...
How do I manipulate in the backend using multiple input 's with the same name ?
For example:
<input type='text' name='telefone' ><br>
<input type='text' name='telefone' ><br>
The @Transient annotation serves to inform JPA that that attribute is not mapped to the table and / or should not be persisted.
In addition, after the entity that has annotated attributes with @Transient is persisted, these attributes...
I am using JFrame to try to display the contents of txt files in a window and then delete the whole file. However, when I put it to display, it deletes the file but does not display on the screen that I created with JFrame . What co...
I have a class, Vendor, that is extended from class Pessoa .
In method listarFornecedores of class FOrnecedorDao :
public List<Fornecedor> listarFornecedores() {
session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openS...
I have the following query in the postgres database:
select * from trabalha_projeto tp inner join Empregado e on
e.matricula = tp.empregado
How does it transform it into a JPQL query?
I'm having a hard time returning values:
First: not...
I need to create a table in HTML that populates rows and columns with data coming from a specific table in my database. But I want whenever a new data is inserted into this database table, it automatically appears to the user in the HTML table....
I am using Hibernate Validator with the @CPF annotation. It is validating beauty, the problem is that my system may have the invalid CPF field (null) and Hibernate does not accept this. I put the field with @Collumn (nullable = true) but...
I'm having trouble doing integration testing. I test my database functions. My web application does not use any framework database connection and I am not able to do tests without messing up my database.
I would like to know how to test wit...
I want to implement Swipe To Refresh in my WebView, is it possible?
I know I have Pull To Refresh but I can not download add-ons (dependencies) at the moment.
I researched a lot on the internet and found something like this: