I'm making an application in Android Studio for an event and would like it to:
When you open a specific screen, the app would use mobile phone gps to acquire the source coordinates and open the google maps app to create a route with the desti...
I have the following problem, in my application I have a ListView in act 1 , and I make a register in act 2 , however when I finish the registration I also end act 2 , with this return to act 1 , the problem is tha...
Studying collections, I tried to use the following example in Eclipse:
public class TestaLista {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List <Conta> list = new ArrayList<Conta>();
Conta cc1 = new ContaCorren...
I'd like to know how I can implement video and voice calls (similar to WhatsApp's) in my Apps written in JAVA for Android. Is there any open source SDK that makes this easy?
I'm developing an application where it works with schedules, the user will leave the problem running and will continue to use the pc normally and when you give a certain time will play a sound (already is done) and a dialog box would appear warn...
Hello, I made the padding of XML and put wrap_content , but the AdMob
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
I'm having a difficulty in a web application I'm creating here, I'm using spring security to do access control, session and login, with backend java with restful and frontend with primefaces . I would like to know if y...
I'm using Selenium in Eclipse to automate the sending of commands to a website through JAVA files. On this site, I need to check dates. I did so to test:
element = driver.findElement(By.name("form:dtEmissao_input"));
I have an application using Jhipster, to make queries I added querydsl, I configured in maven to generate Q classes, these classes are being generated in the path: target / generated-sources
This folder is not in my buildpath so the project g...
I'm starting to study Hibernate and wanted to "start right".
The doubt is as follows:
For the entire transaction I need to use the following code:
Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();