Questions tagged as 'java'


How to capture image from the camera of the mobile and send it to the server via rest using the volley?

I'm developing a MOBILE application that communicates with my web application, the application developed in Android Studio, and the web in PlayFramework . I created a form in APK that already consumes the service via rest using volleyball,...
asked by 31.12.2017 / 15:27

Strategy Pattern with Spring Boot

I've been looking for strategy pattern solutions with spring boot, but nothing I've found so far seems performative or even functional. I have an interface like: public interface UserService { User getById(Integer id); } And I have t...
asked by 23.05.2018 / 19:09

Can not pass a null GrantedAuthority collection Spring Security

I'm developing a web application with Spring Boot, and I'm trying to implement authentication using spring security. I'm following the Michelli tutorial, but I have the following error: ButIalreadyregisteredtheuserandassignRoletohim,usingmysq...
asked by 04.06.2018 / 17:07

Error executing class with parameter by main

I'm trying to compile my code through cmd by passing the image parameter (name and format). But it returns me this error. java ImageSplit tileset.png Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 at ImageSplit...
asked by 21.12.2017 / 00:37

"Transparent" text in java

I wanted to make a text like this: Thistext"transparent" when clicked it disappears and if you can start writing in dialog ... does anyone know how to do this in Java? Help me out!     
asked by 13.03.2015 / 02:47

How to lock a layout in ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE and another in ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT

I am using the method for when changing position layout change however when application start in landscape it starts the layout test_01 landscape mode being that its format is portrait how to fix this. if (newConfig.orientation == Configuratio...
asked by 13.03.2015 / 01:34

Using Google AdMob

I'm using google admob to place ads in my app, however I have some questions Can I use the same ad unit (id) for multiple activity (each with a block)? How do I make the ad the first thing to load? the idea is that the time it takes the us...
asked by 14.11.2017 / 20:32

How to indicate how many equal numbers exist between two vectors?

I have this exercise here from college:    Write a java program that receives two size vectors   and then indicates how many equal numbers there are between   these two vectors. I do not know how to develop logic, for now the code is just...
asked by 18.11.2017 / 01:36

Object instantiation failed: only the first one is created

I have a class in JAVA that is a Server. I put in this class server the port argument, for example. If I am calling this class I would do this: new Servidor(5000); . 5000 is the argument of this server class, so I created a new cla...
asked by 09.06.2014 / 01:08

Temporal complexity of recursive palindrome algorithm

I need to analyze the time consumption of my algorithm, for a vector of size n = f - i + 1 , through a recursion, to then define a closed formula. public class ehpalindromo { public static boolean ehPalindromo(String palavra, int i,...
asked by 25.09.2017 / 21:44