Questions tagged as 'java'


Remove accents - [\\ p {InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}] vs [^ \\ p {ASCII}]

I created a code in Java to remove the accents like the following: private String removerAcentos(String texto) { texto = Normalizer.normalize(texto, Normalizer.Form.NFD); texto = texto.replaceAll("[\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}]",...
asked by 15.11.2016 / 13:48

How to change the background of the JTable header without removing the border?

I'm trying to change the background color of header of JTable . With this code I was able to: public Principal() throws UnsupportedLookAndFeelException { initComponents(); jTable.getTableHeader().setDefaultRend...
asked by 04.11.2016 / 16:16

Timer Does Not Run When Changing Computer Date

I have this simple timer that works normal. But when I change the date of the Retroactive computer the timer stops running. Can anyone explain me why ?? I need to know if the user has changed the computer date to block retroactive postings...
asked by 10.08.2016 / 14:02

Problems with the OpenSessionInViewer + JPA + Tomcat standard

Hello, I'm using Tomcat + JPA + Vraptor 4 and I'm using cdi to inject EntityManager as follows. EntityManagerFactoryCreator: public class EntityManagerFactoryCreator { @ApplicationScoped @Produces public EntityManagerFactory get...
asked by 28.07.2016 / 02:30

How do I keep the Look And Feel selected in the JComboBox after the window is closed?

I just created a simple JFrame in NeatBeans with some Look And Feel's (LAF) available, using a JComboBox so that the user chooses the LAF you want, and I also put the "Save" button for Action I can change the "Theme" perfectly....
asked by 31.08.2016 / 03:43

Animation at the touch of a button

I have a registration screen where a default photo is already set. If I press on the photo it opens 2 options to change the photo. Or take the gallery or take a picture. Clicking the button would like to add an effect. Please, can anyone give...
asked by 31.08.2016 / 19:01

Cryptographic test diverging from class execution

I made my java class for encryption using AES. But I went to test her on this site here: link    java class: text : test key : abcdefghijklmno1 result : 5brjBUDRtK7OzHLZf / Pv9A == but the result of the site was different: 9rHpDdo...
asked by 26.09.2016 / 15:54

AngularJS and Java backend [closed]

Hello, I'm failing to use the JSF framework to start using AngularJS. I would like to know if anyone has an example of integrating AngularJS with Java Backend, so that I can see the operation of the parameter pass from Front-end to Back-end a...
asked by 28.09.2016 / 19:08

Search / object register via REST url and register with SPRING

I'm new to REST and Spring. I'm doing an exercise where I have to fetch a client via url and return (GET) it in JSON format and insert (POST) a client in JSON format. To search will be in the template below, using GET: http://localhost:8080...
asked by 28.10.2016 / 00:42

Error signing in with Facebook on Android

I have an application that has a login with Facebook, but a few days ago this feature stopped working and now displays the following message that is in the attached image, delete the application that I created on Facebook, created the hashes key...
asked by 18.10.2016 / 20:10