I'm working on an android app and at some point I get a String from a web-service that is pretty big, and the client wants that String
(which will be shown in an EditText ) is divided into multiple parts, forming a pagination type (I thought...
I'm having trouble figuring out how to do it:
What I Wish
I want to create a Chrome / Firefox extension that when I press a button on the html of my extension, it runs a .JAR file going through the user settings parameter in the extension....
I looked at some sites on how to fill a table in java, and many were suggested to avoid DefaultTableModel ?
Why should you avoid using this class for cases of more complex objects? What does it imply in your use?
What is the explanation for serializing the object either using the serializable or Parcelable implementation. I know this serves to create a new instance of the object in the other activity, but why "can not" use the same instance...
I would like to know the main differences between Glassfish application servers, JBoss and Apache Tomcat. Is there any specific aspect that I should check before choosing any to start development? Are there significant differences in performance...
I learned in college and in all materials that I saw that the interface serves to define a standard that classes should follow and interfaces can not be instantiated. However I came across projects that have an interface and a class that imple...
Studying Java 9, I saw a new method that works with collections: List.of , example:
List<String> frutas = List.of("maça", "laranja");
I already used Arrays.asList , for example:
List<String> frutas = Arrays.asList(...
Can you make an object copy in Java?
MinhaClasse mc = new MinhaClasse();
MinhaClasse mc2 = mc;
But I wanted to make changes to mc2 without affecting mc .