Create an abstract class Conta , and two other concrete classes ContaF and ContaJ that inherit from the main class. Create another class with a method that receives a list of contaF and ContaJ and ArrayList&l...
I have a Java web application (wildfly server) created with Maven, locally versioned with Git and remotely on GitHub, I would like to know how to host this application in OpenShift and deploy every Pull received by GitHub.
I am using this Java methodology for connecting between client and server, I copied it from the internet, and it helped me a lot, but the server allows the user to stay connected while he is sending messages, but if the user stays an average tim...
I'm working on an app that is made up of several fragments and I've decided to put animations between them. Searching, I found that I should use the setCustomAnimations command to get the desired result, but I only get two possible...
I have this little game that I am developing in which the character goes through buttons that will remove barriers so that it can access other areas of the maze.
I created two lists, one for the fences and one for the buttons.
I've been developing a volleyball game in Java with Slick2D for some time now, but I'm having a pretty annoying problem with the movement of the ball: I can not get the ball to perform a parabola move draws, the ball goes up, descends into the...
I have 3 classes, Expression , Operation , Scalar
public abstract class Expression<R extends Expression> {
public abstract R calcular();
public abstract class Operation<T extends Expression, R extends Express...
I would like this information to study full examples of https protocols with Cookie and Sessions, whether via Java Socket, PHP. If possible through the browser itself.
I need to create something like this:
I usually do the GUI with the help of the IDE but in this case I can not (I think) because I need the GUI to repeat a number of undefined times, depending on the user in question.
What is the best...
I need to make a division but it always gives zero rest, exact division.
I think I'm sinning in the condition.
Random Number;
int Rnumber1;
int Rnumber2;
RandomValor1 = (TextView) findViewById(;
RandomValor2 = (TextView) findVie...