Questions tagged as 'java'


Using instanceof

Create an abstract class Conta , and two other concrete classes ContaF and ContaJ that inherit from the main class. Create another class with a method that receives a list of contaF and ContaJ and ArrayList&l...
asked by 15.03.2016 / 17:52

Java Web application with Maven with repository in GitHub and hosted in OpenShift

I have a Java web application (wildfly server) created with Maven, locally versioned with Git and remotely on GitHub, I would like to know how to host this application in OpenShift and deploy every Pull received by GitHub.     
asked by 23.03.2016 / 17:17

java server disconnects idle users after 5 minutes

I am using this Java methodology for connecting between client and server, I copied it from the internet, and it helped me a lot, but the server allows the user to stay connected while he is sending messages, but if the user stays an average tim...
asked by 19.05.2014 / 14:26

Problem with transition animation between fragments

I'm working on an app that is made up of several fragments and I've decided to put animations between them. Searching, I found that I should use the setCustomAnimations command to get the desired result, but I only get two possible...
asked by 11.05.2014 / 06:47

Iteration gives ConcurrentModificationException error when adding more than one button

I have this little game that I am developing in which the character goes through buttons that will remove barriers so that it can access other areas of the maze. I created two lists, one for the fences and one for the buttons. listaCerc...
asked by 02.06.2014 / 00:47

Ball movement in volleyball game is too fast

I've been developing a volleyball game in Java with Slick2D for some time now, but I'm having a pretty annoying problem with the movement of the ball: I can not get the ball to perform a parabola move draws, the ball goes up, descends into the...
asked by 13.03.2016 / 04:59

Generic type in Java

I have 3 classes, Expression , Operation , Scalar public abstract class Expression<R extends Expression> { public abstract R calcular(); } public abstract class Operation<T extends Expression, R extends Express...
asked by 14.05.2014 / 18:21

How to display the http request from a browser, and the http response from the server

I would like this information to study full examples of https protocols with Cookie and Sessions, whether via Java Socket, PHP. If possible through the browser itself.     
asked by 07.08.2014 / 18:27

Dynamic Graphical Interface in Java

I need to create something like this: I usually do the GUI with the help of the IDE but in this case I can not (I think) because I need the GUI to repeat a number of undefined times, depending on the user in question. What is the best...
asked by 06.08.2014 / 18:32

Exact division (whole)

I need to make a division but it always gives zero rest, exact division. I think I'm sinning in the condition. Random Number; int Rnumber1; int Rnumber2; RandomValor1 = (TextView) findViewById(; RandomValor2 = (TextView) findVie...
asked by 04.10.2016 / 15:40