Questions tagged as 'java'


Ending a Thread

When firing multiple% s of% s in a specific loop, at the completion of each, does Thread open in need of a "close" or is it terminated automatically? for(int i=0;i<=10;i++){ Process ps = new Process(); Thread thread = new Thr...
asked by 27.12.2016 / 13:26

Get name of the executed jar

I would like to get the name of the .jar running. The .jar will have dynamic names, modified as some hash, and would like that when executed, it would identify its own file name. The user.dir of System.getProperty brings me the path where...
asked by 23.12.2016 / 13:14

Ignore punctuation in a sequence of numbers using Regex with Java

I have the following input: Fatura Cliente: 1.7852964.34 CPF/CNPJ: 09022317000222 I need to get only the "Customer Invoice" numbers, ignoring scores, returning only 1785296434 , for this I am using the following regex: Fatura Cli...
asked by 19.04.2018 / 15:19

Desktop widgets in Java

I have an idea to create a widgets with support functionality for my company. I would like to know if you were using java I could create something, if there is some framework or some technology in Java where you can create something like...
asked by 04.02.2015 / 00:01

Compare using String.Contains () disregarding accents and case

I know the //historico e searchC são ArrayLists, no caso do case utilizei o //toUpperCase() para igualar, porém, em questão de acentos ele não retorna //nenhum valor, mesmo estando exatamente igual ao valor da linha do array int i = 0;...
asked by 13.04.2018 / 05:26

Break inside method that returns boolean

I'm trying to make a loop for , which at one time returns true , and exits the loop. Example: public boolean autentica (Usuario usuario) { for(i=0; i<listaUsuarios.size ; i++){ if(usuario.getSenha().equals(lista...
asked by 28.01.2015 / 12:50

ip camera streaming

I need to make an app to connect to an ip camera the camera I have is    dcs-932l - d-link I need some tips, what to research or example. I tried with VideoURI I believe not from     
asked by 20.12.2014 / 17:52

Minimize + SytemTray

People are wanting to click to minimize the program, the icon is next to the clock. I created a button that does this action. I confess that I did not do it, but the author helped me a lot. This is code I am using on the button. I wish I coul...
asked by 30.03.2015 / 03:06

Error updating Java

A default notification appeared saying that there was a new Java update available, so I decided to upgrade. After the update I can not run my applications in Eclipse and the following message appears:
asked by 21.07.2018 / 21:52

Workaround problem with hot development in Java?

Problem situation: You are developing a web site and doing debugging on it. For example a users CRUD. For this you are using JavaEE 1.7, Eclipse Kepler and Apache Tomcat 7. However, to the development delongo, and already with the application...
asked by 31.05.2014 / 00:43