Questions tagged as 'java'


Add layouts dynamically

I created an XML with LinearLayout, in it I have a Spinner and an EditText. On my screen I have a LinearLayout that should receive that other layout I created. My question is: how can I add this custom layout to my screen within the other lay...
asked by 01.03.2014 / 18:37

Problem using JSF ApplicationScope

I'm having a problem using ApplicationScoped on JSF to save my list of countries. I made this managedBean: package view.point; import javax.faces.bean.ApplicationScoped; import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; import
asked by 28.04.2015 / 20:55

selectOneMenu Not listed correctly

I'm trying to put selectOneMenu in my code and I'm having problems. I want to list the months of the year, when clicking to select, it lists the names side by side and not one below the other as it should be. Followthecode:<h:form><h:pa...
asked by 04.05.2015 / 16:15

How to insert data from inpuText into a list using JSF?

I have the following problem: I need a form to submit test questions. Therefore, the form should contain a field for the question (question statement), and several fields for the alternatives. With this, I wanted the values of the input's...
asked by 25.04.2015 / 06:43

How to test the service layer

I'm developing a multi-layered and multi-module web design. For the persistence layer I am using JPA 2.1 and hibernate 4.2 and for the JUnit 4 tests. In this architecture my project was divided into classes: GenericDAO (interface); Generic...
asked by 19.01.2015 / 01:21

N-N relationship with additional fields (problems persisting data)

I have an N-N relationship that works as follows: (N) - (N) Within this relationship there is an entity that holds the Id's of relationships, which has some more values. The name of this is ServiceI...
asked by 17.12.2014 / 21:47

Create Dto by the constructor with a List parameter of a Hibernate entity

I have a @Query Spring, which performs a query to the bank by an Entity, to create some DTO Objects. And the properties of this DTO object, I passed via Builder, but I needed to pass as a parameter on the List constructor it has in the Ent...
asked by 14.11.2014 / 20:52

Possible causes for a session leak

Through a monitoring tool, I'm noticing that my application has a considerable user session leak. Each day, about a thousand user sessions are created, with none being destroyed. To take the sessions from memory, you need to restart the applicat...
asked by 27.10.2014 / 17:48

Transaction XA does not commit changes in procedures (intermittent)

I have an EJB Stateles that monitors files that fall into a folder. When a file arrives the same is handled, a receive event is registered in a central database and the file is inserted into a destination database: @Override @Asynchronous @Tra...
asked by 04.11.2014 / 17:54

Return information from the jtable row after selection

I have an application with 2 JFrames .. 1st JFrame: A screen with a search button and JTextField 2nd JFrame: A JTable with DB information. When I click the search button in the 1st Frame it opens the JTable with the DB informatio...
asked by 10.07.2016 / 19:48